快好知 kuaihz

(61) It was swept from power last September by the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), which promised to end the economy's dependence on fickle exports and promote a more balanced economy. (62) But he chose a drastic method of staving off wrinkles, a potbelly , the whims of a fickle public. (63) Who knows when the fickle finger of fate will bring us together? (64) A married woman is always gratified by the capture of a boy's fickle heart. (65) Because the daguerreotype is much more fickle and dangerous to work with, there are fewer artists making daguerreotypes. (66) He was tired of scattering his treasures to the fickle winds. (67) They were beautiful as the day , and clever, but fierce at heart and fickle notwithstanding. (68) Hollywood has already shown it can be a fickle partner, with some of its thespian elite lashing out in 2007 against Mr Spielberg's involvement. (69) The transported Dunwoody, with his Aladdin's apple, was receiving the fickle attentions of all. (70) What's more, Facebook may not be able to keep up the momentum of its rapid-fire growth because social-networking aficionados are notoriously fickle. (71) She saw that he was a fickle boy , prepared to philander with every woman he met. (72) You won't have to look far for love this week but you are likely to be fickle and that can lead to trouble if you are playing with several partner's hearts at the same time. Honesty will pay off. (73) The Moon child is far too moody and sensitive for your fickle ways. You are not a homebody like the Crab. You have totally different interests. (74) The fickle and lascivious woman was sneered at by people. (75) The mod is fickle , brother. He'll be forgotten in a month. (76) It is wearisome waiting on the sick, and these savage woment are fickle.