快好知 kuaihz

91. The ocarina son starts doing not notification to that quiet man and saw thunder Ran introduce for sky and fair starts to conjecture the other gathering. 92. Inspired by the finding in horse-race market, the paper makes a theoretical conjecture of the cross-sectional effect of stock market. 93. The relationship between Maecenas and his circle is largely a matter of conjecture, but he and Horace were certainly personal friends. 94. This paper gives a proof of a conjecture on the relation between the greatest common divisor matrix and the factor closed set under a certain condition. 95. This paper introduces the contraction rule method in solving the Goldbach-Guye' s conjecture, and explains the features and attentions when adopting the contraction rule method. 96. "We don't need a formal proof that P is not equal to NP in order to rely on the conjecture, " Aaronson says. 97. But, having reached this point of conjecture, Mrs Poole's square, flat figure, and uncomely , dry, even coarse face, recurred so distinctly to my mind's eye, that I thought, 'No; impossible! 98. Furthermore, a conjecture on further generalization to higher dimension case or general Euclidean space is proposed which requires further study. 99. The adjacent vertex distinguishing proper edge coloring of is discussed and the result illustrated that the adjacent vertex distinguishing proper edge coloring conjecture is ture for. 100. A conjecture of super - universality of the dynamical critical exponent Z is presented. 101. So for several years and before the detailed proof of Zhu and Cao's paper published on the Asian Journal of Mathematics, no import mathematical experts can say the Poincare conjecture is correct. 102. The truth of his conjecture was confirmed by the newspaper report. 103. However, as the reader has been able to conjecture, Mademoiselle Gillenormand had failed in her attempt to substitute her favorite, the officer of lancers , for Marius.