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61. But the subtler, and perhaps unintended, point of her observation is also the converse. 62. Converse glanced at the bearded man and the thrill of recognition rang loud and clear. 63. Understanding implies recognition, but the converse is not necessarily true. 64. Converse carried the briefcase through the hurrying evening crowds on Le Loi, walking as casually as he could. 65. This is the converse of the main theme of Chapter 2./converse.html 66. And he is incarnate in us all whenever we are in converse with each other, instructing or mercifully helping. 67. Some are charming and a delight to converse with. On a personal level, I find this the most distressing. 68. High achievers in technically demanding fields are always intelligent although the converse is not true. 69. If depression is related to heart disease, then high levels of self-esteem might well have the converse effect. 70. Indeed, the fact that not many people can converse comfortably about antennas and atmospheric conditions is part of the appeal. 71. Usually, a pregnant goat will not come on heat, but there are exceptions to both this and its converse. 72. Converse had come to the park to catch the cool breeze that always came before the rain and to read his mail. 73. Currently, such creatures are not able to converse, creating instead relationships closer to the family pet. 74. Walking in front of Converse was a little man called the Caporal who carried a Browning automatic rifle decorated with hibiscus. 75. While the evidence linking increased cell proliferation and colorectal cancer is good, the converse is less clear cut. 76. For example, users can tell the authentication server with which remote computer they want to converse. 77. For better or worse, the converse was my response to this new life. 78. Converse went downstairs and brought up two cans of beer and two large gin and tonics. 79. This is supposed to reduce the amount of herbicide used in spraying fields, but in practice the converse happens. 80. Converse had always taken particular pleasure in announcing that he was having dinner with her. 81. Converse walked the several blocks to Pasteur Street and hailed a taxi, taking care not to signal with the Offending Gesture. 82. Effectively, their friendship had ended when Converse was discharged and Hicks became, as he thought, a lifer. 83. There's the Andamans, where they never talk, just converse entirely in song - a sort of chant. 84. They also valued her ability to converse with them in Quechua, albeit in limited fashion. 85. The conference gave me an opportunity to meet and converse with VIPs in relaxed surroundings. 86. To converse intelligently these days, you better know your acronyms. 87. Danskin swung at him with the pistol, then shoved Converse aside in pursuit. 88. Beer in the Crazy Horse cost 250 piasters without heroin, and Converse was not in the mood for cards. 89. Converse said, attempting to convey zestful satisfaction in his profession. 90. Although Mr Roche owned the building in which Converse lived, it pleased him to pretend to be the manager.