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31. The recruits were put through a week of grueling endurance tests. 32. Jane's party was more of an endurance test than anything else. 33. The recruits were put through a week of gruelling endurance tests. 34. This endurance made old Earnshaw furious, when he discovered his son persecuting the poor, fatherless child, as he called him. 35. The astronauts will undergo a series of trials to test their physical and mental endurance in space. 36. That lecture really tested my powers of endurance, it was so boring. 37. The task was a test of their powers of endurance. 38. The triathlon is the ultimate endurance test. 39. Everest climbers display prodigies of endurance. 40. And rowing is ideal for building stamina and endurance. 41. That visit was a test of endurance for Diana. 42. Goaded beyond endurance they may even shop-lift. 43. Also patron of endurance and tuberculosis sufferers. 44. Gina surprised us all with her bravery and endurance. 45. It had become an endurance test. 46. It was for him a dreadful test of endurance. 46.try its best to gather and build good sentences. 47. Swimming helps to increase your strength and endurance. 48. Fishing should be fun, I thought, not a test of endurance. 49. But as I search deeper and deeper I stumbled upon endurance. 50. She was pushing his body to the limits of its endurance to divert and ease the strain on his spirit. 51. Clough was small in stature with disproportionate physical strength and powers of endurance. 52. Courageous behaviour and dogged endurance are more believable here than in many other types of adventure-story. 53. Grant continues: It was a case of Southern dash against Northern pluck and endurance.... 54. The third one is do you want to develop muscle endurance or improved endurance. 55. Chris Patten deserves an award for endurance as well as resilience in the face of adversity. 56. Stamina or endurance refers to your capacity to keep up a certain level of sustained exercise. 57. This passed the endurance of the immortals, and Zeus got ready his thunderbolt to strike them. 58. Now that was a feat of ability, patience and sheer physical endurance. 59. His frame, which is compact, strong and well proportioned, gives every indication of great strength, agility and endurance. 60. A particular thorny dilemma arises should the caring situation present demands beyond the level of endurance.