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1. The novel has an omniscient narrator. 2. Suddenly, the narrator speaks in his most rhetorically elevated mode. 3. He listens and waits for the narrator to explain more. 4. Jules, the story's narrator, is an actress in her late thirties. 5. He added his own voice as yet another narrator. 6. Here are the characters and the narrator begins. 7. The narrator uses the local dialect where necessary. 8. Verbivore starts and ends with Mira as narrator. 9. As a narrator I have much to learn. 10. The book's narrator is a precocious 12-year-old boy. 11. Nog is a mysterious itinerant who sells the narrator a foam-rubber octopus, and whose name he adopts as an alias. 12. In a crucial explanatory passage the narrator tells us: This marks a great step in Lok's intellectual development. 13. But scriptwriter and narrator Indra Sinha said the video emphasised the meeting of minds as well as bodies. 14. In the final pages, the narrator seems to accept his 2,000-year-old heritage as an outsider. 15. Then to each narrator is assigned a time and place of the writing of his contribution. 16. There is the fallible narrator, escaping his past, indulging his dandified sensibilities, inevitably sucked into danger beyond his understanding. 17. Flaubert's narrator enters Emma Bovary's consciousness from time to time, to describe events from her point of view. 18. But a professional narrator was hired one morning, and alternate lines of speech were recorded using the normal microphone and recorder. 19. The narrator can't be sure but guesses he wasn't even aware of the existence of the flowers. 20. The tone is that of the narrator, ironic and sad - yet the novel does contain some successful humour. 21. The narrator and her parents and neighbors leave their home in the Midwest and head to greener pastures via the Oregon Trail. 22. The narrator, returning to the box shortly afterwards, finds that the signalman has been run over by a train. 23. To such scenes his narrator is introduced by the shopkeeper Gedali, believer in a peaceful Revolution. 24. Immediately preceding this extracted fragment, the narrator has been describing an incident relevant to the main story. 25. The novel is written in the first person, so that the author and narrator seem to be the same. 26. There is little doubt that Carey the storyteller, Kelly the narrator and the tale being told are uniquely well matched. 27. In puncturing the mask of McCarthy's awesome intellect, Hilts acts on our behalf as both questioner and narrator. 28. I need to keep my voice in trim since I still perform as a narrator. 29. When Rose was pregnant, Steve threatened to call the poor child after the book's narrator, Ishmael! 30. Melville has combined these basic elements together very conveniently with the literary device of Ishmael, the narrator.