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fall asleep造句
1. No, I couldn't fall asleep. 2. After changing the bed, I would fall asleep quickly. 3. I tossed about all night, unable to fall asleep. 4. He was wont to fall asleep after supper. 5. Maybe you fall asleep in class because of uncorrected astigmatism. 6. Never fall asleep in direct sunlight. 7. This cold medicine makes me fall asleep. 8. She was dead tired, but she couldn't fall asleep. 9. She did not fall asleep until daybreak. 10. There's dissension among the troops as I fall asleep. 11. I fall asleep to the drone of sirens and helicopters overhead. 12. What would it be like to fall asleep in the protecting shelter of his arms? 13. When I fall asleep in my chair he always sits on my lap. 14. He seemed to fall asleep, leaning heavily on to Cameron. 15. Not being able to fall asleep and not allowing oneself to move in the marital bed. 16. Does she fall asleep in the late afternoon or early evening? 17. Unfortunately both he and Marie fall asleep, and Haimet now spears and steals a piece of bacon from the boiling cauldron. 18. Do you fall asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow, or do you toss and turn for hours before dropping off? 19. But we would fall asleep in one another's arms - that romantic image which is in reality so uncomfortable and painful. 20. When body temperature is beginning to fall there is a natural tendency to fall asleep. 21. A combination of tiredness and boredom caused me to fall asleep. 22. You should take it as a compliment when I fall asleep in your company - it means I'm relaxed. 23. The typewriter was rattling away so loudly that we could not fall asleep. 24. Torn between anger and self - reproach, he could hardly fall asleep. 25. There are some people who get bored who can just fall asleep, standing up with their eyes open. 26. I watched her struggling to stay awake and watched her fall asleep. 26.try its best to collect and create good sentences. 27. There are people called narcoleptics, I went on, who suddenly fall asleep during the day. 28. You get a big deep one and hold it in and like fall asleep. 29. Before marriage, a man will lie awake thinking about something you said; after marriage , he'll fall asleep before you finish saying it.Helen Rowland 30. Richard Morris suffers from a disease which makes him fall asleep uncontrollably several times a day.