快好知 kuaihz

(1) I confide absolutely in his honesty. (2) Can I confide in you? (3) There is no one here I can confide in. (4) Jone felt she could only confide in her mother. (5) There's no one here I can confide in. (6) Why didn't you confide the secret to me? (7) Can I confide my children to your care? (8) I've never felt able to confide in my sister. (9) Because she is understanding, people around her confide in her. (10) She used to confide in him whenever she had a problem. (11) Do you have a friend that you can confide in? (12) She's nice, but I don't feel I can confide in her. (13) It is important to have someone you can confide in. (14) He likes some one to confide in. (15) We confide in his abilities. (16) I merely wish to confide in you as friends. (17) The decision makers don't confide in you. (18) Whom would I completely confide in? (19) Harrison felt little inclined to confide in Berthoud. (20) You don't imagine I could confide in my best friends, do you? (21) I did not confide to Otto that Jean-Claude was stealing from me. (22) He had no one to confide in and would have seen seeking psychiatric help himself as a sign of weakness. (23) He is going to confide the secrets of his heart to us. (24) It is not good for a physician to confide personal details of his life to a patient. (25) It is important that an adolescent boy should have an adult in whom he can confide. (26) Some of the patients, especially the dying, wanted to confide in the man and woman who had eased their suffering. (27) Her father, quiet, humorous, stubbornly determined, gone now, no longer there to consult and confide in. (28) When she met her current boyfriend and fell pregnant, she had not been able to confide in them. (29) On the spur of the moment, Matilda decided that the one person she would like to confide in was Miss Honey. (30) Kirov had opened himself up so that the younger man would trust him enough to confide his deepest thoughts.