快好知 kuaihz

31. Throwing up her hand, Tabitha glimpsed a figure in silhouette rising up from the floor at their very feet. 32. Short wings, more pointed than other owls, combine with long tail to give hawk-like silhouette. 33. Lauren's fall collection includes wool suits with a new, narrower silhouette. 34. If you sat in the fireplace and looked up you could see a disc of sky and several iron hooks in silhouette. 35. The tenement reared up, a coaly silhouette flaring red, from the steep bank below them. 36. I am one more black silhouette in this sixty-million-year-old forest. 37. A large figure stood behind the screen door, a silhouette in front of the glow of living-room light. 38. Amy was a silhouette against the darker grass of the plateau. 39. The packaging may not produce an outline visible on a radiograph, and shadows due to constipation may obscure their silhouette. 40. Outlined against the dim glow from outside, his tall silhouette filled the open doorway. 41. She looked up to the skyline, where Scathach's tall form was a silhouette. 42. I was hidden behind a tree, but could see his dark barrel-shaped silhouette clearly enough. 43. Within ten seconds he saw the silhouette of some one approaching beyond the glass. 44. I saw him from some way away, and was struck by his seductive silhouette. 45. I could see from his silhouette in the starlight that he was hanging his head. 46. That silhouette leaning over the railing of the darkened veranda just beyond her window was definitely his. 47. A silhouette showed behind the net curtains, a silhouette aiming a pair of field glasses. 48. Twice he drew her stylish silhouette in rapt attention in the Louvre. 49. There is no signature silhouette or personal stamp left by color or texture. 50. Behind him, lightning flared, turning him into a stark silhouette against the windows; flooding the reception with white light. 51. He likes the same close-fitting silhouette for women as he does for men. 52. I cut out her silhouette. 53. Even from behind in silhouette, Billy recognized the figure. 54. The jagged silhouette of the mountainy horizon. 55. the silhouette of chimneys and towers. 56. By exhibiting the silhouette of a Parisian manikin in the flask, it is creditably the hottest design. 57. Jacket features a two - button silhouette and wide, notched lapels. 58. Time and tide wait for no man elapse , dawdle away go you to be in my person's silhouette at heart without end, your habit use seal is deeply in heart. 59. I still had a misty recollection of a phoenix tree which was swaying its silhouette on a moonlit night seeming to tell the hurry of time and its withered yellow leavers was falling one after another. 60. If birds could talk, every species from wrens to wood pigeons would be able to describe the feared silhouette of a hawk to a tee: short rounded wings and a long manoeuvrable tail.