快好知 kuaihz

1. Loud noise can impair your hearing. 2. Tiredness can seriously impair your ability to drive. 3. This study indicates that octreotide injections impair postprandial gall bladder contraction for at least four hours. 4. Cons: A great way to temporarily impair gastrointestinal processes to the discomfort of others. 5. Not only do sleeping pills impair the function of sleep, they also affect the way you feel the next day. 6. Poor notation can impair the ability of a scheme to accommodate new subjects and can hinder effective retrieval. 7. Acute schizophrenia can severely impair mothering skills when maternal distress leads to distraction and neglect. 8. But did you realise that smoking can impair the blood which carries oxygen to the brain and therefore decrease mental efficiency? 9. Pros: A great way to temporarily impair mental processes without having to take medication. 10. They act on him and impair his ability to distinguish between thought and perception, between concepts and objects. 11. Chance can not change my love, nor time impair. 12. Insufficient ingestion of staple food may thus impair memory. 13. May impair your ability to operate machinery. 14. Don't boil the sauce as this and impair the flavor. 15. Conclusion SAP induced by 3.5% sodium taurocholate could impair the pancreatic endocrine function. 16. A recurrence of such an oversight could impair our amicable relations. 17. In driving simulators, marijuana does impair visual skills and mental dexterity. 18. Hormonally active synthetic chemicals can damage the reproductive system, alter the nervous system and brain, and impair the immune system. 19. Care needs to be taken to ensure that regulation does not impair the efficiency of the financial system. 20. It would seem that acromegaly as such does not directly impair gall bladder contraction. 21. Cleaning up Britain does not require international action, involve huge public expenditure, or impair the efficiency of industry. 22. But diligently studying by day and by night Seriously impair his tender eyesight. 23. Steps are being taken to ensure that this and other factors do not impair the future. 24. Finally, tracks and poles will benefit from regular attention as dust and dirt will impair their performance. 25. Such a large amount of excess capacity must severely impair the effective functioning of the accelerator. 26. Excitatory effects of somatostatin or octreotide on the sphincter of Oddi may impair biliary and pancreatic duct outflow. 27. A target for reduced hospital waiting lists, for example, may - by reducing hospital stays - actually impair patients' health. 28. A drawback of this fire-setting technique is that it was liable to impair the value of the product by cracking it. 29. Conclusion: NR2B is essential for the formation of long term memory, reconsolidation of Y-maze memory. The deactivation of NR2B by ifenprodil will impair these courses. 30. Afraid they speed up wantoned, in the hereafter again some what impair the words of kinglet Ye reputation spread to go and then wanted to forbid a tube by that time, only afraid is also night.