快好知 kuaihz

be considered as造句
1. Brooks may be considered as a trustworthy man. 2. Nevertheless, green manuring should not be considered as a means of stimulating quick plant growth. 3. High-bay warehouses, as a single volume, can normally be considered as being single storey buildings. 4. In short, unemployment must be considered as the primary agent causing and maintaining urban deprivation. 5. The proposal will be considered as Qantas reviews all aspects of its business over the next few months, Dixon said. 6. Posts which can not be filled should be considered as to their suitability for a job-sharing arrangement. 7. This group can be considered as three elements of communication. 8. Therefore we suggest that platelet activating factor should be considered as a global mucosal activity marker. 9. For this, the particles must be considered as point particles, i. e. having one-dimensional world-lines. 10. The following species can be considered as those popular among aquarists. 11. Beryllium, bismuth, and bromine must be considered as well. 12. The cyclo converter station can be considered as a harmonic source with characters of voltage source. 13. The Yugoslavian Revisionism during the 60's might be considered as an earlier experiment of this. 14. Esophageal manometry may be considered as an important method of earlier diagnosis of diabetic autonomic neuropathy. 15. INTERPRETATION: Trastuzumab in combination with chemotherapy can be considered as a new standard option for patients with HER2-positive advanced gastric or gastro-oesophageal junction cancer. 16. The Xisha Islands may be considered as a "specimen" of deposition and diagenesis in modern times. The Rock Island there, which is in the process of lixiviation and deposition, is a case in point. 17. Paul Cezanne, usually categorized as a Post-Impressionist, can be considered as their predecessor . 18. This commentary is not to be considered as a reduplication. 19. The time harmonics can be considered as voltages of higher frequencies applied to the windings. 20. The disclosure letter usually will start by reciting that certain matters are to be considered as generally disclosed. 21. A federal judge will decide whether the miles should be considered as assets and confiscated under forfeiture laws. 22. They frequently offer useful ideas and strategies, but should usually be considered as examples only. 23. The clinical grading structure is such that enrolled nurses should never now be considered as a cheaper alternative. 24. Against this we have to set the disadvantage that re-investigation might come to be considered as a disciplinary review. 25. This may lead one to think that simplicity should not be considered as just paucity of initial data. 26. Especially the appropriate use of simile skill in image element can be considered as his specialty of painting in flowers and birds. 27. All of four aromatic amines inhibited acetylation of isoniazid, but amides did not. 4-Aminobenzoic acid can be considered as a combined-drug for increasing and prolonging the blood level of isoniazid. 28. In case that a player doesn't want to take part in a press conference he will be considered as part of unsportsmanlike behaviour. 28.try its best to gather and build good sentences. 29. If an English noun which means a tool is used as an English verb in the phrasal verb, it may be considered as an adverbial of manner or doing something "with the help of the tool". 30. The least square problem of the convolution result and real seismic data can be considered as the solution of a huge rarefactional matrix equation, which can be solved by singular value decomposition.