快好知 kuaihz

be available造句
91. Until then, green form professional advice will continue to be available. 92. This teaching should be available to every engineering student, in all disciplines. 93. At the Survival level, packs of loose-leaf materials will be available to fit into a Filofax/Organiser ring binder. 94. Reports showing the status of given dictionary entries will, however, be available on request. 95. Mobility may be increasingly affected. Genetic counselling should be available. 96. A separate venue must be available, however, if confidential information is to be considered in relation to nursing care. 97. But only 300 of the comprehensively equipped models will be available in 1991, selling for around £26,000 apiece. 98. It must be designed for use by everyone and be available at a low enough price for rural villagers. 99. The concurrence of the backup care-giver, should the chosen one not be available, is also vital. 100. The principles of design which emerge from this development will be available for application to further areas of the mathematics curriculum. 101. All records were to be available to Cardiff city council to allow it to discharge its statutory responsibilities. 102. But Graham allegedly was concerned only about money and how much would be available to him for signings. 103. Both of these companies' products should be available through any good tackle dealer. 104. Following this event the ramps will be available for hire, for either events or youth clubs or whatever. 105. Professor Sano explained why the Practice House would be available that December. 106. As albinism is of genetic origin, genetic counselling should be available to teenagers. 107. It is a book that should be available in all synthetic organic chemistry laboratories. 108. In 1912 the Guild annual congress passed a resolution that divorce should be available after two years' separation. 108.try its best to gather and build good sentences. 109. If you want a slice of the action tickets may still be available on. 110. Likewise arrangements should be made to ensure that supplementary information will be available where required. 111. Who benefits? Legal aid will be available after this first hearing if warranted and if a not guilty plea is indicated. 112. The full deduction would be available for couples filing jointly with adjusted gross incomes of up to $ 100, 000. 113. Helicopters will fly overhead, and police robots will be available to handle suspicious packages that might contain explosives. 114. A solicitor will advise on the different reliefs and allowances which may be available. 115. A tax liability would therefore arise but the cash may not be available to meet this obligation. 116. The new unit will also be available for young people who are a danger to themselves or others. 117. Locally, fleece may be available from your garden centre but do check the quality and price before buying. 118. Some years, a great many excellent opportunities may be available. 119. For the first time this year, advance booking will be available from 1 January. 120. They must also enter the dangerous ground of anticipating the techniques which might be available in the future.