快好知 kuaihz

(181) The team's 'net' was a piece of string tied to two posts. (182) He wrote his name down on a piece of paper for me. (183) He gashed his arm on a piece of broken glass. (184) Did you read that piece in the Observer about censorship? (185) I saw a beggar wolf down a piece of bread in the street yesterday. (186) Strain the juice through a piece of gauze or a sieve. (187) The novel may be a best seller, but it's no more than a competent piece of writing. (188) She dunked a piece of white cloth in the dye. (189) Tom gave Helen an apple in exchange for a piece of cake. (190) The little boys chipped a piece out of the table when they were fighting. (191) I turned off a good piece of work this morning. (192) He proved overconfident on the witness stand, misremembering a key piece of evidence. (193) She broke the chocolate bar in two and gave a piece to me. (194) He changed his story to make his wife appear the villain of the piece. (195) He's written a piece of software which calculates your tax returns for you. (196) I picked a piece of fluff off my shiny black suit. (197) Let me pluck away that piece of thread from your skirt. (198) With some more practice, we'll soon lick this piece of music into shape for the performance. (199) Stir the paint with a piece of wood or something similar. (200) She tried to break/tear a small piece off the edge. (201) Worrying about your weight is more likely to lead to comforting yourself with a piece of chocolate. (202) Is the light good enough to take photos? In formal language you can also say that it is adequate, satisfactory or acceptable. These words on their own may suggest that something is only just good enough and could be better. Compare:This piece of work is satisfactory and This piece of work is very satisfactory.