快好知 kuaihz

61 A new bookshop had opened in the high street. 62 There are electric lamps in the street. 63 You can park on either side of the street. 64 The high street banks continue to prosper. 65 Share prices fell on Wall Street today. 66 The crowd of demonstrators marched along the main street. 67 The ball rolled into the street. 68 She pulled out into the street. 69 It's at the end of this street. 70 There are laws against drinking in the street. 71 He was slammed to the street by the crowd. 72 She bawled to me across the street. 73 The street is paved with asphalt. 74 What's the name of that street? 75 Ingrid darted across the deserted street. 76 We saw a vehicle sprinkling water on the street. 77 There's a liquor store across the street. 78 The street lights were dimmed out. 79 He stood in a strange street. 80 The kids were playing in the street. 81 The boys learned their street smarts early. 82 The soldiers marched along the street. 83 The whole street was excited at the parade. 84 The street was crowded with shoppers. 85 Our street floods whenever we have rain. 86 We watched the proceedings in the street below. 87 He bucketed his car down the street. 88 What's the name of this street? 89 The car dashed along the street. 90 He walked at a rapid pace along Charles Street.