快好知 kuaihz

1. Great designs require great consideration. 2. Most art forms require a contribution from the observer. 3. Do you require anything else? 4. Delicatessen usually require little preparation for serving. 5. Some business disputes require litigation. 6. Campbell's broken leg will probably require surgery. 7. Do you require any information from me? 8. We require a jacket and tie. 9. Lentils do not require soaking before cooking. 10. All living beings require food. 11. He will require surgery on his left knee. 12. I require cooperation of you. 13. These pets require a lot of care and attention. 14. The leaflets require no alteration from year to year. 15. Such policies would require unprecedented cooperation between nations. 16. Please telephone this number if you require any further information. 17. We require extra help. 18. We should require that every student is immunized against hepatitis B. 19. Growing anything in this soil will require heavy inputs of nutrients. 20. Getting out of this mess was going to require a fair degree of ingenuity. 21. If you require further information, you should consult the registrar. 22. You may require bridging finance until the sale of your own property is completed. 23. We require details of your name and address. 24. Good customer relations require courtesy, professionalism and effective response. 25. Many diploma courses require the submission of a project. 26. Even great musicians require constant practice. 27. All employees at the submarine base require security clearance. 28. The tax will require a massive administrative apparatus. 29. I require two children to help me. 30. He wanted to have a source of income after his retirement; until then, he wouldn't require additional money.