快好知 kuaihz

1. A buxom widow must be either married, buried or shut up in a convent. 2. The widow gossiped about her neighbors. 3. She has been a widow for ten years. 4. Police have condemned the theft from an elderly widow as despicable. 5. Tony hobnobbed with an attractive widow when he lived in Metz. 6. He leaves a widow and two children. 7. The sorrowful widow begged for mercy. 8. Martha was a very rich young widow. 9. The widow and children are very poorly off. 10. The widow has willed away all her fortune. 11. The widow is in possession of a large fortune. 12. He married his brother's widow. 13. He left a widow and two children. 14. The widow weltered in tears. 15. His widow has taken over the running of his empire, including six London theatres. 16. A widow, she is the sole provider for her family. 17. She's been a golf widow since she gave her husband his first set of clubs. 18. The grief-stricken widow refused to leave her dead husband's side. 19. His widow became a virtual recluse for the remainder of her life. 20. The victim's widow was today being comforted by family and friends. 21. The victim's widow protested at the leniency of the sentence. 22. There once was/lived a poor widow who had a beautiful daughter. 22. Wish you will loveand make progress everyday! 23. The widow broke down in tears, but her daughters maintained their composure. 24. She's a widow now. 25. He died in March leaving a widow and three children. 26. Dave Gilmore is currently appearing as Widow Twanky in the Arts Theatre's production of "Puss in Boots". 27. The woman offered written affidavits proving that she was the widow of Pancho Villa. 28. I just put my mind ghost town guest a widow. 29. He hadn't been dead five minutes before those vultures from the media were after his widow. 30. He had some mercenary scheme to marry a wealthy widow.