快好知 kuaihz

(121) His eyes had been rubbed a raw red by fatigue and cold and had a harried glitter. (122) Our fatigue is often caused not by work, but by worry, frustration and resentment.Dale Carnegie (123) During the latter part of the night, in spite of having had no sleep, feelings of fatigue begin to diminish. (124) If battle fatigue sets in, Mr Biedenkopf may have reason for optimism. (125) And so it was that when Old Chao phoned, Theresa was lightheaded with fatigue. (126) The cold eyes scrutinising her so impersonally were deep set beneath heavy black brows, and shadowed with fatigue. (127) Survivors still complain of ailments ranging from breathlessness, chronic fatigue and stomach pain to cardiac problems and tuberculosis. (128) Even so, reptiles accumulate an oxygen debt if active for long periods, as well as suffering from fatigue and slow rates of repayment. (129) It is no wonder that in March 1943 he was suffering from fatigue which again brought on influenza. (130) If a person continually inhales odorous air, fatigue sets in, due to the adaptation of the nervous responses to the stimuli. (131) Bruised shadows of fatigue showed beneath her eyes - eyes in which Trent read gratitude and the beginnings of dependency. (132) Her husband said the petite woman had complained of fatigue as they plodded up a Canyon trail. (133) This means that a higher body temperature is associated with a higher degree of alertness or a smaller amount of fatigue. (134) Don't use cocaine or amphetamines to combat fatigue. (135) The concentration of alternate stress is a key factor of fatigue destruction. (136) The award-winning, forward-scanning pistol grip design minimizes fatigue during scan-intensive tasks,[http:///fatigue.html] helping users maintain productivity in comfort. (137) We provide traditional body massage and foot reflexology to drive away all your fatigue from head to toe. (138) This paper describes the effect of shot-peening on fatigue strength of compressive coll springs of stainless steel. (139) In this paper, the fatigue problem of beam joints of steel bridges is studied through examining the arris weld. (140) By the method of literature date, experimentation and date statistics, this paper researches the recovery of sports fatigue of the middle-distance race athletes. (141) The condition of fatigue periostitis of college track men from different university NanJing was investigated. (142) Made by rubber, effervesce layer to reduce the fatigue of the foot and legs. (143) The induction quenching realizes imitated stress strengthening, raises fatigue limit and service performance of the torque rod. (144) Generally the damage of forging die has four different damage mechanisms: worn, fatigue, transform and hot crack. (145) Now there aren ? ? t fatigue design loads of bogie frame supports in our country. (146) And when shot peening treater, the fatigue strength of the chian will improve 12.3 %. (147) The most frequent complaints were moderate somnolence (3 patients) and slight fatigue (4 patients), but no severe toxicity was reported. (148) The induction quenching realizes imitated stress strengthening, raises fatigue limit and service ... (149) The main work is as follows:(1) Analyze the reasons of driver fatigue and the behavior procedure of driving tiredly from the point of physiology and praxiology respectively. (150) Generally the onset is related to trauma even micro trauma of shoulder or caused by the overwork excess fatigue overstrain affection of external wind-cold.