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31, Conservation of energy requires a corresponding change in the vibrational energy of the molecule. 32, Each new water molecule fits nicely into a space on the ice surface. 33, However, the molecule and its fellows also raise problems that are hard to accommodate within a Darwinian framework. 34, If we remove an electron from a bonding orbital, the bond in the ion is weaker than that in the molecule. 35, Show Menu Move mouse over molecule, click and hold mouse button and wait. 36, The synthesised components of the molecule look and act like a rotor blade, propelling the molecule around. 37, Although plants vary so greatly in their shape, function and general appearance, the cellulose molecule is the same in all. 38, Synthesizing any new protein molecule from scratch takes a matter of minutes. 39, This molecule is also involved in the adhesion of neutrophils to endothelium during the inflammatory response. 40, They are smaller molecules than proteins, so they have to become attached to a protein molecule before they are activated. 41, Is there a molecule that weighs the same as an oxygen atom? 42, Buckminsterfullerene is a very stable molecule made of pure carbon. 43, These four bases provide the only source of variation in the DNA molecule. 44, Like that phrase in our computer model, the particular favoured RNA molecule was built up by gradual, cumulative evolution. 45, In fact, only about five per cent of each DNA molecule actually provides any meaningful code. 46, Show Menu Move mouse over molecule, click and hold RIGHT mouse button. 47, Instantly, one of the hydrogen atoms on the ethanol molecule is ripped off. 48, Normally the forces from one molecule are counterbalanced by equal attraction by other molecules but at an interface the forces become unbalanced. 49, This early form of life was probably a large molecule. 50, For example, one molecule of oxygen contains two atoms of oxygen. 51, This suggests a possible tumour suppressor function for this cell adhesion molecule. 51,try its best to collect and create good sentences. 52, The neurotransmitter sticks to the receptor molecule, and together they are able to open a pore in the cell membrane. 53, A key idea in chemistry is that the physical shape of a molecule can be critical to its behavior in the world. 54, A linear molecule has only two rotations, and so it has 3N - 5 vibrational modes. 55, The developing round peas produce a vital molecule, called starch-branching enzyme, which builds up complex starch molecules from sugar. 56, Glycosylated hemoglobin refers to the specific red cell hemoglobin A types to which a glucose molecule becomes irreversibly attached. 57, The whole diamond structure is, in fact, one giant molecule. 58, However, because of the two dithiadiazole functionalities at either end of the molecule, the solid state structure is polymeric rather than dimeric. 59, Tannins, another kind of organic molecule, are used in the oil industry to make muds easier to drill. 60, The progression from the molecule to the cell is also the leap from the non-living to the living world.