快好知 kuaihz

91. He spent three days in jail after smashing up an apartment, and has done time in a drug rehabilitation centre. 92. The Government has unveiled a national agency to coordinate the rehabilitation and regulation of drug offenders. 93. Over 250,000 former government soldiers awaited rehabilitation and 1,500,000 people had been displaced by the war. 94. Services have thus frequently emphasized the need for custody,[www.] punishment and control rather than for rehabilitation and reintegration. 95. They came directly from hospitals or drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers and, in a few cases, from prison. 96. The major accomplishment involved selling the council and some of the staff on several new housing rehabilitation and repair programs. 97. The value of the rehabilitation centres extends far beyond the actual numbers released. 98. The exercise programme should not, however, be the full extent of coronary rehabilitation. 99. The rehabilitation unit provides accommodation for up to six weeks for elderly people discharged from hospital. 100. The awarding of rehabilitation loans and grants still awaited council approval despite the sizable waiting lists. 101. For patients who undergo major procedures, rehabilitation is a longer process. 102. It took three years of rehabilitation, but Meidl once again walked without the aid of crutches. 103. To the extent that the plan reflected any kind of programmatic coherence, its major thrust was toward housing rehabilitation. 104. Many dwellings in this mixed commercial-residential area were dilapidated and in need of substantial rehabilitation or replacement. 105. In rehabilitation they saw people dressed in street clothes instead of hospital white. 106. In practice, the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act has caused little difficulty for freedom of expression. 107. Rehabilitation programs have created a sense of direction for the inmates. 108. I was trying to concentrate on my rehabilitation and focus on good things. 109. However, in so far as it purports to strengthen that belief, the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act is to be welcomed. 110. Brother Mariadas led me across the railway tracks to the Rehabilitation Centre. 111. We need only to cite schools and colleges, hospitals, drug rehabilitation centers, libraries and the like. 112. Apart from reconditioning of patients, does cardiac rehabilitation reduce mortality and morbidity? 113. Rehabilitation is another manifestation of positivism which was under general attack at this time. 114. The hospitals play a major part in treating diseases, in dealing with the victims of accidents, and their rehabilitation. 115. If he can not put his clothes on himself, learning to get dressed is a necessary part of his rehabilitation programme. 116. It was then that he was transferred from the neurological floor to the rehabilitation hospital across town. 117. Council members actively began to seek information about the mechanics of housing rehabilitation programs in other cities. 118. And strict application of the law would deny an addict the possibility of rehabilitation. 119. For people with mental health problems, a sympathetic ear and understanding is an essential part of their rehabilitation. 120. After a few weeks, he was transferred to a rehabilitation hospital, where he received physiotherapy treatment.