快好知 kuaihz

121. I grew my sideburns again, halfway down the side of my ears. 122. The San Francisco venture shut down in January, less than halfway through its inaugural tour. 123. If she was still at Keele she would be halfway through getting the various breakfasts by now. 124. They won't pay all our expenses, but they might be prepared to meet us halfway. 125. He hoped she wouldn't turn fickle when he was halfway up the wall. 126. But he knew that suspension was only a halfway house towards complete termination. 127. He always wore a tie, but his ties never seemed to reach more than halfway down his yellow shirts. 128. Any halfway clever devil would decorate the highway to Hell as beautiful as possible.Criss Jami 129. Halfway through the performance there was a short musical interlude. 130. However,[http://] a change in the air conditioning design halfway through construction opened part of the attic space to the air conditioning. 131. They were halfway up the mountain, when the weather became so bad that they were forced to turn back. 132. Parents will be unable to afford their children's education unless colleges are prepared to meet them halfway. 133. Major revisions were also found to be necessary halfway through the programme. 134. Take your time, build up a case, establish the right relationships and you are halfway there. 135. Halfway through the performance, she started to feel a little faint. 136. Sefelt has pulled back halfway normal, swelling up and down with big wet, rattling breaths. 137. He got thrown out of the halfway house for an overdose. 138. At this time, the colleges of education occupied a halfway house between the universities and the further education sector. 139. Democrats plan to meet the Governor halfway on welfare cuts. 140. The movie made a great start, but the action seemed to fizzle out halfway through. 141. The urinary bladder in both sexes acts as a halfway house or store for the urine secreted by the kidneys. 142. Should Bayard's measures seem radical, you can meet him halfway: treat yourself to a copy of P. 143. Still it seemed convenient to follow in the groove of rock. I was more than halfway down when I came upon a deep, funnel-shaped formation in my path. 144. I even dragged my acrophobic mother up mountains in the Auvergne, only to leave her quivering halfway up while I persevered alone to the top. 145. Many netizens call market regulation can not be influenced by the noise, the policy can not give up halfway, must let the real reason. 146. Wang, who, leaning indolently against the back of her chair in a position halfway between sitting and standing, asked, Have you had dinner? 147. When the manager arrives, Gault asks her to at least meet her halfway. 148. Well, after 20 weeks on the road I'm now about halfway through my journey so, at the risk of being self-indulgent, here goes. 149. In the space of a year Sacagawea had given birth, found her kin, and walked halfway across a continent. 150. I am sitting at the moment in a stifling hotel room in 90-degree heat, halfway down an air shaft, in midtown.