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151. Victorian values might include slavery, children down the mines and chimney sweeps up the stack, as well as gin parlours and asylums. 152. Analogies with the slave trade and slavery and the movement against them were apparent to such reformers. 153. She will make my misery more tolerable, my slavery only half-slavery, my exile less a banishment. 154. Many were sold into slavery by their fathers when they were just 12 or 13. 155. Must I argue the wrongfulness of slavery? 155.try its best to collect and create good sentences. 156. Anti-slavery activist William Lloyd Garrison started a paper in eighteen thirty-one with the purpose of ending slavery. 157. Leaving the adoption of slavery up to the individual states directly contradicted the Missouri Compromise, which barred the extension of slavery into new states. 158. Let the English mill workers starve because they can't get our cotton but never , never strike a blow for slavery. 159. If slavery is natural, and if nature intends to distinguish the slave from the unfree, the free from the unfree, ? how can nature miss the mark? 160. In the Whispering Gallery at the presidential library and museum, Aidan was blown away by political cartoons of the day that criticized Lincoln for his stance on slavery. 161. While lifetime cases of forced labor, slavery and bonded labor do exist, he says they are the exception. 162. The legal framework of slavery would still exist in the former Confederate states as well as in the Union slave states that had been exempted from the proclamation. 163. Attempts to carry into effect the law of 1850 aroused much bitterness and probably had as much to do with inciting sectional hostility as did the controversy over slavery in the territories. 164. Israelites out of slavery in Egypt led by Moses; God gave them the Ten Commandments and the rest of Mosaic law on Mount Sinai during the Exodus. 165. It took a brutal civil war to end slavery and federal troops to topple Jim Crow. 166. Mr. Yoshimi said he was unsurprised by the recent moves to deny the wartime sex slavery. 167. There would be those who would say, you know, automatically say the reason for the Civil War was over slavery. No, it was over states' rights. 168. The documentaries also show that “bonded labor” in South Asia is an all-too-common form of slavery, which is “passed from generation to generation.” 169. By then the burial ground will have rewritten the book on slavery in New York and given historians something to talk about well into the next century. 170. Accompanied by motorcade, a vintage 1957 bus drove Parks across the Frederick Douglass Memorial Bridge, named for the famed slavery abolitionist leader, to the U.S. Capitol. 171. S. history. More than a century later, people are debating the reasons for the war, slavery versus states' rights. 172. The great turning point came in the 1820s and 1830s, when a group of people from different religious backgrounds began to demand the abolition of slavery in the United States. 173. Tales of her aggressive platform style, of her challenge to Frederick Douglass on the issue of violence against slavery ("Frederick! 174. The increasing bitterness over the issue of slavery put Whig leader Henry Clay in a difficult position. 175. Later, in the 1830s, abolitionists adopted the cracked bell as the symbol of the fight against slavery. 176. Abolitionism grew, southern secession spurred it, and in January 1865 Congress passed the Thirteenth Amendment banning slavery. 177. Even a young country such as America, with no burdensome traditions from the past, could not rid the south of slavery without pressure from the northern cities. 178. Involuntary, or servile, concubinage sometimes involves sexual slavery of one member of the relationship, typically the woman. 179. After winning his own freedom from slavery, Henson secretly helped hundreds of other slaves to escape north to Canada -- and liberty. 180. Yet he also presciently warned against Karl Marx's aspiration for a "dictatorship of the proletariat, " writing in 1868 that "socialism without liberty is slavery and brutality.