快好知 kuaihz

91, He desperately wants to be an actor, so you'll have to give him time to get it out of his system. 92, The Ministry desperately tried to hush up the whole affair. 93, I spent a fruitless ten minutes walking up and down the high street, desperately avoiding eye contact with passers-by. 94, Lewis desperately needs to keep clear of Ruddock's big left hook. 95, The rescuers could hear the sound of the trapped people desperately trying to claw their way through the rubble. 96, We clung desperately together. 97, I think she feels desperately wounded and unloved at the moment. 98, His gross misman-agement left the company desperately in need of restructuring. 99, The banks are now desperately scrabbling to recover their costs. 100, She cast around desperately for a safe topic of conversation. 101, He desperately dodged a speeding car trying to run him down. 102, I was at home when the desperately hoped-for call came through. 103, We're desperately trying to avoid laying off people. 104, She was trying desperately to regain her composure. 105, He said she was desperately unhappy. 106, The hospital is desperately short-staffed. 107, She was clinging desperately to normality and self-respect. 108, Children, the elderly, the desperately poor. 109, She drew him close, clinging desperately. 110, Your parents are desperately worried, and no wonder. 111, Lori wanted desperately to have a child. 112, She was clinging desperately to the hang-glider. 113, He desperately needed sleep and a decent meal. 114, However, what's desperately needed is basic information. 115, It made him feel more stable, but desperately tired. 116, Following them, Mr Kinnock looks desperately vulnerable. 117, I was desperately unhappy, almost suicidal. 118, Suddenly she desperately wanted him to know the truth. 119, Derek returned home a desperately worried person. 120, The team desperately needs a capable quarterback.