快好知 kuaihz

121. In fact, the mere touching of an affected ear can be so painful as to interfere with sleep. 122. If any man collapsed, his condition would not be allowed to interfere with the operation. 123. The act also made it a crime to interfere with anyone engaged in inter-state commerce during a riot. 124. And we don't let anything - or anyone - interfere in our private lives. 125. Not only is it hepatotoxic but trace concentrations have been shown to interfere seriously with the breeding performance of male mice. 126. I do not suggest that the courts should have attempted to interfere with the Army in carrying out its task. 127. Martin, growling savagely at the yobs, daring them to interfere. 128. As soon as a board attempts to interfere with management tasks it's a fair bet that profits will decline. 129. Again, it has been demonstrated that even quite low levels of lead interfere with body processes. 130. If the chosen third party is an expert, the court can not interfere with the contractual time limit. 131. Fixing Mars would not consume enough resources to interfere with any of our really ambitious plans. 132. He wouldn't take kindly to an outsider coming to interfere and poke about. 133. Making a mental note not to let outside interests interfere with her work, she began to inject the puppies. 134. Weather was no deterrent for him and was never allowed to interfere with his plans .... 135. No one except me, and least of all the President, was disposed to interfere with that. 136. This can be felt particularly strongly by corporate officials if the law attempts to interfere with free enterprise. 137. You can not interfere with a single word in Shakespeare or Milton without changing the meaning. 138. Sleeping pills can interfere with the effect of other medications and can be dangerous when combined with them. 139. He did so even after being advised to stay away because he might interfere with firefighting efforts. 140. The sedative effects of alcohol cause the throat muscle to relax too much and also interfere with the involuntary awakening mechanisms. 141. Still, he does not let this interfere with the business at hand. 142. Some people claim that marriage interferes with romance. There's no doubt about it. Anytime you have a romance, your wife is bound to interfere.Groucho Marx 143. They were subject to transfer, but the executive branch was unable to interfere with specific decisions. 144. Landlords believe that the Rent Acts unfairly interfere with freedom of contract and exacerbate the housing shortage. 145. Others may not realise that some antibiotics interfere with the Pill's effectiveness. 146. Archie was bound to nose around in it, but wouldn't interfere with the contents. 147. Speaking for myself, I do not feel the slightest inclination to interfere. 148. He insisted on a clause in his contract assuring him that his duties would not interfere with rehearsals for the opera company. 149. Portal hypertension with stasis and pooling of blood in the reticuloendothelial meshwork may interfere with this process. 150. The law does not pretend to punish everything that is dishonest. That would seriously interfere with business.Clarence Darrow