快好知 kuaihz

(121) None of it's recycled, which bothers me, but at least you can read the damn thing now. (122) Every man is a damn fool for at least five minutes every day; wisdom consists in not exceeding the limit.Elbert Hubbard (123) She was either on the level or a damn good actress. (124) It was when she took a chunk out of my shoulder and nearly bit my damn ear off that I got the message. (125) There are three types of lies - lies, damn lies, and statistics.Benjamin Disraeli (126) After you fire, you just break the damn thing against a tree. (127) Thrilled, that is, until I played this damn record and discovered they haven't changed at all. (128) Damn and blast, could somebody bring her back for me? (129) I just want to make damn sure we finish on time. (130) There is, of course, one possible alternative: Damn the rules. (131) He replied that he knew damn all about it but would swear it was. (132) Finally she says to me: You could at least clean that damn thing every once in a while. (133) He seems convinced of the inherent stability of the hydrogen bomb - after all, he does build the damn things. (134) Last night I didn’t sleep for a solid eight hours. No, it melted a little. Damn global warming.Jarod Kintz (135) Most of them were sitting back at the damn base camps, working in clubs and things like that. (136) Susan Zakin is the most perceptive and eloquent political columnist in print in Tucson and probably in the whole damn state. (136)try its best to collect and build good sentences. (137) If a white man falls off a chair drunk, it's just a drunk. If a Negro does, it's the whole damn. Negro race.Bill Cosby (138) I was so uninterested in the damn thing that I didn't bother to keep a copy. (139) You think you're doing them a favour, r ... r ... risking your life for their d ... damn country. (140) I always took teaching seriously and even twenty-five years ago I was damn good at it. (141) As the mysterious man following Blackeyes, Nigel Planer speaks at last, though he has damn all to say. (142) I prefer my women a little older and a damn sight more sober. (143) Actually, a damn sight more than from that stiff gherkin Smott. (144) He never thought I was fit to run a shoe shop. Damn right, too! (145) If the place was dry it was going to be a damn sight tougher to manipulate them. (146) Simple: all right, she would make it pretty damn simple. (147) I began crying and swearing and socking myself on the head for being such a damn fool. (148) Detroit did huge box office, but, damn, the picture was becoming scary. (149) Nomatterwhat they say, they're a pop band, and a damn fine one at that. (150) He never damn well is, Donaldson thought, and asked what was to be done about Mrs Balanchine.