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61. They hewed to a narrow ideological range, disdainful of progressives on the left and Patrick Buchanan on the right. 62. Whatever one's political leanings, the threat of serious disruption from the miners, union seemed quite evidently an ideological hangover. 63. Another appointee might have seen the ideological struggle about money for the arts as politics-as-usual. 64. The slogans antagonized his customers and often got him into ideological hot water. 65. Many cultural[http://], ideological and religious interpretations of justice are divorced from the basic principles of justice.Dr T.P.Chia 66. The Bolshevik Party was therefore especially eager to win over minds by means of cultural and ideological propaganda and education. 67. They argue that the various theories of society are based, at least inpart, on value judgments and ideological positions. 68. Both are parodies of seminal religious figures with vast and enduring ideological legacies. 69. It has all the cut and thrust of an ideological conflict. 70. We can do this by presenting societies whose ideological construction of human nature and behaviour is such as to favour peaceful coexistence. 71. In the 1630s, in particular, he presided over a fractious chapter, divided by personal and some ideological conflict. 72. Clearly though, he is more concerned with the ideological genesis and effects of punishment than with its relationship with economics. 73. Such ideological conflicts overlap traditional party lines and erode traditional party loyalties. 74. Its manner has exposed the procedural inexperience of the first full-time Soviet legislature and the ideological divisions of its 542 members. 75. The chief obstacles to Ecotopia lie in the economic, political, cultural and ideological levels. 76. The Labour Party, riven by schism and self-doubt, seemed in long-term, inexorable decline, for sociological as well as ideological reasons. 77. Can it avoid self-destruction caused by the strong ideological differences among its moderate and its more radical factions? 78. We have seen that Althusser invokes certain aspects of political and ideological practice to explain the reproduction of the relations of production. 79. Debates over inequality and development are then ultimately ideological disputes that involve political as well as economic choices. 80. Or it could preserve its ideological purity and risk losing the elections. 81. But this epistemology itself is parasitic upon other practices, which serve the same ideological function. 82. Conducting relations across an ideological divide is quite unlike dealing with a country broadly well-disposed towards one's own. 83. And yet there is no special ideological practice which gives us the idea of it. 84. Some of the critics want to foist their narrow ideological positions on him. 85. The ideological points are still there but it's hard to believe that totalitarian regimentation could be so tight. 86. In so doing they legitimated and endorsed the statusquo, and fulfilled an ideological function of agent of disguised social control. 87. There were thus political and ideological reasons for promoting this student tide, not just economic ones. 88. Both men are staunch conservatives, but of the two Lott is the more ideological and aggressive. 89. Ethnic conflict is not explained by competition for limited resources; it seems to have an ideological basis. 90. Unstable cabinet systems have been prevalent where stronger ideological differences and multiple political parties have emerged in contemporary legislatures.