快好知 kuaihz

1. She held the coin carefully between finger and thumb. 2. Hold the material between finger and thumb. 3. The thorn was embedded in her thumb. 4. Hold the rope loosely between your finger and thumb. 5. The thumb is opposable to the forefinger. 6. I press the thumbtack into the board with thumb. 7. You can push the pin in with your thumb. 8. He caught his thumb in the door. 9. She had a painful cut on her thumb. 10. There is a hole in the thumb of his mitten. 11. He saw her jab her thumb on a red button — a panic button. 12. She hit her thumb with the hammer. 13. There's a hole in the thumb. 14. He smiled and raised a thumb in greeting. 15. Her thumb is painfully swollen. 16. She's got him under her thumb. 17. He often works by rule of thumb. 18. Thumb - sucking can cause protrusion of the teeth. 19. She sucked away on her thumb. 20. He took the pen between his thumb and forefinger. 21. She still sucks her thumb when she's worried. 22. Don't suck your thumb, dear. 23. What a shame that you suck your thumb. 24. He pinched the leaf between his thumb and forefinger. 25. He was still under his father's thumb. 26. This glove has a hole in the thumb. 27. I sucked my thumb until I was seven. 28. 'What'll we do with them?' he asked, jerking his thumb at the suitcases. 29. 'Is that the only way out of here?' he asked, jerking a thumb at the door. 30. The dinner is formal, if you don't wear the correct clothes you'll stick out like a sore thumb.