快好知 kuaihz

91. His ballgame companion, Marge Locke, is just as avid a fan. 92. Subsequent timing observations have shown the pulsar to be in a 5.74-day circular orbit with a low-mass companion. 93. Yet Menard stayed with the work until one day he and a companion were parted in Wisconsin. 94. However, the August fishing became so appalling that my companion and I decided to try a week in May. 95. People who feel sorry for my old bridesmaid and travelling companion are barking up the wrong tree. 96. Had a wonderful time, thanks to a generous, patient and chivalrous companion. 97. In fact, she has succeeded in assembling a show and writing a companion catalogue both informed by history and informative as well. 98. Her companion for many years has agreed to move out in return for a sum of £34,000. 99. Indeed, I worship the little devil, but only as a travelling companion. 100. She was beset by the realization that she desired nothing more than to go to the Hall as Anne Mowbray's companion. 101. She had at the back of her mind the thought that some new male companion might figure in it. 102. Corbett allowed their conversation to be as desultory as possible, wanting his companion to relax and feel safe in his presence. 103. But I had a friend in Radio 3: so thanks, ghostly and absent companion. 104. Spring sauntered north, but he had to run like hell to keep it as his traveling companion. 105. Successful use of this approach may require major organization-wide education programs as a companion piece. 106. Yachtsmen, too, after sailing around the world with only the wind as a companion. 107. Although Roche-lobe overflow from the companion star seems the most likely source of this material, there is a problem. 108. Ed is a great travelling companion - funny and sensible at the same time. 109. Finally he committed himself to a sanitarium, and after several months was sent home with a male companion. 110. Owen had borrowed the wife of a Coptic colleague as a companion for Jane Postlethwaite. 111. Poor, beautiful Johnny ... As the next day or two dragged by, fear became Cassie's almost constant companion. 112. You and your companion can learn french, practise yoga - or simply have a coffee and a chat. 113. In a companion study, 94 per cent of carers of patients with dementia considered the practice to be justified. 114. Margaret proved to be an excellent wife and companion for Richard. 115. In addition Norman's capacity for enjoyment made him an excellent companion on their trips abroad. 116. Parsley is also the perfect herb companion for garlic, which is an important ingredient in this bread. 117. She hadn't deserved their kindness, their good wishes - she'd hardly been a boon companion of late. 118. They run off laughing like parrots as my companion shouts after them in disgust. 119. Our dog is our constant walking companion and is always kept on a lead. 120. Thesiger invited him and his travelling companion to spend the night with his caravan.