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91. In the past, to the horror of soccer purists, broadcasters have cut away from live action for commercial breaks. 92. Claimants include families of the 95 soccer fans killed in the 1989 Hillsborough disaster - some expecting cheques this week. 93. In terms of mass appeal rugby comes fourth after Gaelic football, hurling and soccer. 94. Dear old staid, conservative, non-violent Britain. Soccer fans were its contribution to the global tradition of random violence. 95. I thought maybe I could be hired by a Major League Soccer team or continue on as an assistant coach. 96. In soccer, you can't touch the ball with your hands. 97. They've a revolutionary scoreboard for the fans and on the pitch soccer to set the sparks flying. 98. Two full size soccer pitches, and inside a fully equipped fitness centre complement the gymnasium and provide a comprehensive community facility. 99. The Ramblers pass a soccer ball back and forth, a display of agility and grace. 100. Among other contributions, Neil Allen looks pityingly at athletics and boxing, and the stink is just as pronounced in soccer. 101. A soccer player and runner in high school, he had taken up outrigger canoeing before the accident. 102. The man promoting the park in Ulster can also boast some pretty nifty soccer skills. 103. And they were real soccer fans who were really into the game, standing and yelling. 104. A few college students have gathered in a square to swap soccer trading cards. 105. The soccer mom walks out a happy customer and a political ally for life. 106. Compared to the Soccer World Cup the rugby appealed to the ABC1 and younger elements to a greater degree. 107. This quality time nonsense also accounts for the boom in soccer for kids ages 4 to 7. 108. Next monday tryout for soccer team gonna officially start. 109. Yes, I like soccer as a team sport. 110. Do you have a soccer ball? 111. Gunner beat forest 3 1 in a soccer friendly. 112. Field hockey is an outdoor game similar to soccer. 113. There is a soccer ball under the table. 114. Laura enjoys school soccer piano tap dancing and singing. 115. My favorite soccer player is Beckham. 116. Peter is good at soccer ball. 117. Soccer is the fastest growing team sport for women. 118. Another things we do is Basketball, Soccer, and Acrobatics. 119. Haven't lost a soccer ball have you , Doc? 120. My cousin a soccer player, he a striker.