快好知 kuaihz

61. Would you like a slice of lemon in your tea? 62. Slice the bread thinly. 63. Fiction takes up a large slice of the publishing market. 64. He took out a slab of cheese, pared off a slice and ate it hastily. 65. As workers in a profit-making industry, miners are demanding a larger slice of the cake. 66. He rammed down a slice of bread and left home. 67. another slice of cake? 68. Slice the potatoes thinly. 69. The two companies are attempting to carve up a large slice of America's publishing industry between them. 70. Slice a piece off. 71. Slice away the corners. 73. Thinly slice the cucumbers. 74. Have another slice of cake - go on, be a devil! 75. Our firm is well placed to grab a large slice of the market. 76. Slice up the onions and add them to the meat. 77. He shouldn't have hit her, any way you slice it. 78. Just a teeny weeny slice of cake for me, please - I'm supposed to be on a diet. 79. They wanted to make sure they got a slice of the profits. 80. All right, I'll have a slice of cake then - but just a weeny bit. 81. She's only putting money into this scheme if she gets a slice of the action. 82. Every organization in the land has tried to claim a slice of the cash from the National Lottery. 83. The film presents us with a fascinating slice of history. 84. By using volunteers we were able to slice £10,000 off the cost of the project. 85. We agreed before we did the deal that we'd both take an equal slice of the profit. 86. The team grabbed a slice of history here today . 87. There's still a lot of meat left on the bone - shall I slice some off for you? 88. Slice the eggs in two and arrange them on a serving dish. 89. Kate took a huge slice and was going at it full bore. 90. The rent for my room was a large slice out of my budget.