快好知 kuaihz

31, "Have this prescription filled out at the drugstore," said the doctor. 32, You used to be able to buy this medicine over the counter, but it is now a prescription drug. 33, Would you like to wait while the pharmacist makes up your prescription? 34, I'll have to go to the surgery to pick up the prescription. 35, When I bought my new glasses, they threw in a free pair of prescription sunglasses. 36, She made a mental note to have his prescription refilled. 37, Are you taking any other medicines whether on prescription or bought over the counter? 38, A pharmacist can fill any prescription if, in his or her judgment, the prescription is valid. 39, Linguists are increasingly concerned to avoid dogmatism and prescription over what constitutes 'correct' English. 40, The party's main prescription for educational problems was to give schools more money. 41, The doctor wrote me a prescription for medicine for my cough. 42, Both parties will be outlining their prescription for economic recovery. 43, My mom has to pay high premiums every month for Medigap to cover prescription drugs. 44, We had to wait for the pharmacist to make up her prescription. 45, The physician made a prescription against sea - sickness for him. 46, The chemist made a mistake when making up the prescription. 47, You still need a prescription for estrogen and testosterone. 48, Available from pharmacies without a prescription. 49, Contraceptives are freely available without prescription in pharmacies. 50, Internet purchase of prescription drugs: buyer beware. 51, This prescription is for a controlled substance. 52, Your spouse dies after taking a prescription medicine. 53, These are marketed under various names, including Rehidrat, Dioralyte and Gluco-lyte, and are available on prescription. 54, Seldane was first introduced in 1985, the first prescription antihistamine to relieve hayfever symptoms without drowsiness. 55, A big rainbow-colored sign lists several prescription appetite suppressants, vitamins, and minerals. 56, From this gross total is deducted the amount they collect in prescription charges. 57, Doctors are required to cite a study confirming any medical benefits of the drug and provide a written prescription. 58, Feminist psychologists are also increasingly concerned to avoid dogmatism and prescription. 59, He wrapped the prescription paper round it and started the engine. 60, The Food and Drug Administration Tuesday announced a program aimed at providing consumers with better information about prescription drugs.