快好知 kuaihz

121. There is widespread gloom and doom about the company's future. 122. Malnutrition in the region is widespread - affecting up to 78% of children under five years old. 123. The new tax is a political powder keg which could result in widespread violence. 124. There was widespread criticism of the government's handling of the disaster. 125. There has been widespread public debate over the introduction of genetically modified food. 126. The report says there is widespread and routine torture of political prisoners in the country. 127. Hundreds of lives could be saved if the installation of alarms was more widespread. 128. The report says torture was widespread, as were extra-judicial executions by government troops. 129. The inquiry showed that bribery was widespread. 130. Foreign observers also accused the authorities of widespread malpractice. 131. The move was greeted with widespread international condemnation. 132. The resulting fires led to widespread air pollution. 133. The bomb caused widespread devastation. 134. They deny allegations that torture and ill-treatment are widespread. 135. Worship songs are also beginning to find widespread acceptance. 136. The coterie of would-be revolutionaries commanded no widespread support. 137. The recommendations advocated widespread changes in the criminal law. 138. Meanwhile, non-tech, blue chip losses were widespread. 139. The earthquake caused widespread chaos throughout the region. 140. The findings led to a widespread belief that psychological tests were situation specific and therefore limited in their usefulness for personnel selection. 141. In June 1788 Clarkson proposed that the London committee promote widespread agitation through forming local committees. 142. Discussion Despite the increasingly widespread use of oesophageal manometry, few studies have assessed its benefit to patient management. 143. There are also widespread fears that the convicted men will serve only a few months of their sentences. 144. He leaves office with near-record-high approval ratings despite widespread abhorrence at his personal behavior, pollsters say. 145. It provides a startling point for a discussion of the widespread belief that Richard Nixon was a brilliant maker of foreign policy. 146. A well-established standard process for processing credit card purchases has contributed to the widespread dissemination of credit cards. 147. This ignores the substantial number of additional cases that would arise if screening became widespread. 148. Protestant endeavours to extinguish popular superstitions and the widespread belief in magical remedies also proved largely futile. 149. May 1993 - draft tourism strategy to be published for widespread public consultation. 150. The report accused the government of intensifying the violence by resorting to widespread repression.