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91. Perennial boom and bust cycles have always winnowed out weak farmers. 92. Now, after more than a year of severe crisis, boom times are back. 93. But then, two men toting boom boxes promenade at the same speed as the mobile. 94. Prosperity, too, had been the product of small enterprises and a lengthy consumer boom financed by credit. 95. On this view, the 1980s are to be followed by a new long boom initiated by a series of innovations. 96. Eventually, the economy reaches the peak of the cycle - the so-called boom period. 97. In peacetime, the business became legitimate and was fueled by a consumer boom. 98. Crews lowered boom barriers several feet high around the nearby ponds. 99. Its downward trend was disturbed only by the uncertainty of the First World War and a sharp but transient post-war baby boom. 100. The foundations of the post-war boom in Britain were laid in those crises at the start of the 1930s. 101. And to all of us who are eating less meat but paying more, it certainly seems less than a boom. 102. From beginning to end, each cycle of boom and slump lasts, Kondratiev argued, for about fifty years. 103. Before the property boom took off in the 1970s there were still cheap flats around in London. 104. Beyond specific impacts, the property boom graphically illustrated the vulnerability of cities to national economic events beyond their control. 105. The strings and the weight of the top seem perfectly balanced, and it just goes boom! 106. During the boom years of the 1980s the Duke of Westminter's company embarked on a building spree, especially in Mayfair. 107. Notice the back foot position on the centreline and look how the hands are well down the boom in a sailing position. 108. Extend your arms Keep them well down the boom to get the rig as upright as possible. 3. 109. Did the removal of these restrictions contribute to the consumption boom of the late s? 110. A boom period of speculative house building peaked between 1928 and 1936 when construction of 118,000 dwellings annually increased to 293,000. 111. As a kid it had always struck me that it was like some western boom town. 112. The most striking thing about the boom in issues of convertible and warrant bonds in 1987-89 was how many firms were involved. 113. So again we would predict that the measured apc would be higher in a slump year than in a boom year. 114. The commodities boom also affected the major capitalist powers in different ways. 115. The period 1951-64 was a boom period for house building, both private and public. 116. The great boom of the war years had passed and the docks were settling down to the post war doldrums. 117. The traditional Easter turkey boom - the second biggest after Christmas - was a damp squib because hard-up families bought cheaper chickens. 118. As a social service,[.com] how about installing our own classical music boom box? 119. By the eighteenth century, an economic boom had resulted in an active type of pre-capitalism, ready to take off. 120. But has the Fed failed to prevent the imbalances created by the recent boom from getting out of hand?