快好知 kuaihz

(121) They will find sellers eager to win their business, and will be offered the most advantageous terms. (122) A few other players checked their watches, eager to stop fielding questions that only the Games can really answer now. (123) Beginners are not captives of their past; they are eager to learn, and able to learn. (124) These are status-hungry beings eager to define a place in the world for themselves and for others. (125) Ancient camp sites are still used by people eager to relearn old ways. (126) Nothing happened, however, because Congress was eager to adjourn for the November elections. (127) Their imaginations are eager to go rather more than half-way to meet the audacious writer. (128) The Bolshevik Party was therefore especially eager to win over minds by means of cultural and ideological propaganda and education. (129) But Clinton, aides say, is eager to show this bully pulpit approach amounts to more than campaign tactics. (130) It amuses me to see politicians so eager to please at election time. (131) Like all Lubavitch ministers, he was eager to cut across barriers of class and prejudice. (132) Free previews so be from that get radio airplay and are eager for exposure, but no rule. (133) Indeed, Fleet was eager to liquidate the preferred shares, because they legally precluded it from integrating those newly acquired assets. (134) Can not afford national advertising, so relies on verbal testimonials to expand business, so eager to please. (135) They were always eager to help or run messages and she enjoyed making tea and cakes for them. (136) When a man is willing and eager, the gods join in.Aeschylus (137) The Eastern Bloc has been transformed into a gigantic Enterprise Zone for western capitalists eager to reap the benefits of suppressed consumerism. (138) Akayev was widely seen as a democrat and as eager to develop contacts with capitalist countries. (139) You should only see their eager faces how they brighten up when the Sisters come. (140) They are eager to try anything they hear will boost their immune system, vitality and libido. (141) After all, fanatic ayatollahs and born-again Christians eager for the Rapture set no encouraging example. (142) Burgess' illegal use of alcohol ran afoul of the code, a point the righteous Karnaugh was quite eager to make. (143) With eager anticipation, though her clear golden-brown eyes held a hint of sadness, Luce Weston descended the steps. (144) Returning missionaries spoke to large audiences who were eager to hear how their efforts elevated the heathen. (145) The eager weaver did not notice my confusion. (146) Anne was eager to obliterate her error. (147) I'm eager to be your friend as you snoot straight with me. (148) Airs romped around him, nipping and eager airs , they are coming, waves. (149) That book of limitless yearning was like an eager bird through the clouds. (150) With Mark , the interviewer was eager to have him return for a tryout day.