快好知 kuaihz

211. Kasubi tombs just outside the capital Kampala are revered by Uganda's most populous tribe, the Buganda. 212. One who did so was Chief Ten Bears of the Comanche tribe. 213. Surely not. It'should be the saber of tribe around North Africa or Sudan. 214. One such warrior is the leader of Half - Tribe of the Bloodied Axe Clan : Mogul Kahn. 215. Question to Metatron: There are Native American stories from the Paiute Tribe and a report from a physician in the 1940's of underground cities in this general area. 216. Or maybe some lower status social anthropologists could get their revenge by studying those economists, as a modern-day tribe. 217. According to this viewpoint, the Sumerian tribe who the Mesopotamian civilization the Korean race. 218. Now then, choose twelve men from the tribes of Israel, one from each tribe. 219. The tribe has been forced to modify its chauvinistic attitudes. 220. MitS:Inorder to be a hobgoblin leader, you need to be an offical member of the hobgoblin tribe. 221. Boa Sr, the 85-year-old last speaker of "Bo, " was the oldest member of the Great Andamanese tribe, R.C. Kar, deputy director of Tribal Health in Andaman, told reporters on Friday. 222. When a tribe encounters civilization, the first things to get trampled underfoot are the religious beliefs of the tribe. 223. Surviving Abyssins defeated in the skirmish are usually assimilated into the victorious tribe. 224. A small group of Seminole leaders negotiated a removal agreement in 1832, but a majority of the tribe protested that the signatories had no authority to represent them. 225. Before the sixth century a tribe called Dingling ( Gaoche ) lived in the Lake Baykal of Russia. 226. From time immemorial the tribe have buried their dead here. 227. Caesar also notes the druidic sense of the guardian spirit of the tribe, whom he translated as Dispater, with a general sense of Father Hades. 228. Sometime before the Second Battle of Hoover Dam, the Caesar's Legion has conquered a new tribe under the command of centurion Gaius Magnus, bringing the number to 87. 229. A division of the tribe or of the gens into different classes was equally impossible. 230. These new English settlers looked and acted very differently from Powhatan's tribe. 231. The Uighur, originally called Ouigour, sprang from the ancient tribe Teli. 232. and his sister Thunder Heart Woman (Tonantzin Carmelo), along with the people of the Lakota Tribe, represent the culture, ethics and beliefs of the Indian people. 233. The individuals' rights of possession in the pieces of land originally allotted to them by gens or tribe had now become so established that the land was their hereditary property. 234. Here the whole tribe is divided into two great exogamous classes or moieties , Kroki and Kumite. 235. This tribe has a very strange custom in that they always leave the corpse of their decease relatives exposed until the vultures eat the flesh up. 236. Some people say it came from the Native American Indian tribe known as the Choctaw. 237. Is the sac and Fox Indian tribe a wild one? 238. The tribe takes its name from its totem, the great cannibal spirit of winter. 239. Lewis and Clark first met the members of the Yankton Sioux tribe near this place. 240. Likewise, the tribe keeps close contact with their rare lupine Kin living on great estates, primarily in Russia and western Canada.