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61. This leaves only two alternative strategies: to flee or to hide. 62. In the ensuing riot, a hut containing refugees seeking to flee the violence, mainly northerners, was set on fire. 63. Rollins tried to flee the country but was stopped at the airport. 64. Fleeing the Organization Less overtly heroic than those who fight the dysfunctional organization are the people who choose to flee from it. 65. Never have I seen Fincara's magic so possess anyone's spirit - flee from him, mortal! 66. She stifled a desire to turn and flee, wondering what was wrong with her. 67. Those who lived had a stark choice, submit, or ... flee into exile. 68. Like fighters, those who flee tend to hold firm convictions about how progress and growth ought to be achieved. 69. It will be picked off when fear makes it try to flee. 70. Imperial merchantmen traversing the warp would flee at the sighting of one. 71. The raids caused 26,000 refugees to flee across the border to the neighboring region of Ingushetia. 72. She struggled, screamed and was cut a second time in the neck but managed to divert his attention and flee. 73. A warrant for his arrest forced him to flee, committing a trail of burglaries in north-country cities. 74. If the nest is disturbed and she decides the family should flee, the youngsters behave in an extremely disciplined way. 75. Instead, the legislators flee accountability and hide behind a private agreement, asking merely to be let in on the shakedown. 76. Should its enemies be destroyed or forced to flee the Squig is free to start bouncing again. 77. Most urban visitors will flee the scene and never return. 78. They never flee from combat, and will fight to the death even if repeatedly beaten by their opponents. 79. Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you riding through the ruts, don't complicate your mind. Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy. Don't bury your thoughts, put your vision to reality. Wake Up and Live!Bob Marley 80. When people flee, they deprive the organization of their expertise and experience, while at the same time undermining its reputation. 81. They're used to firing so as to make a lot of noise and make the enemy flee. 82. I turned, about to flee, about to deny my name, about toThe man looked familiar. 83. He turns, but the girl has managed to flee by the fire escape as Lepine makes his way to the bookstore. 84. The king had tried to flee the country in June 1791, and had been ignominiously brought back under guard. 85. The proposed new lineup also drops Comedy Central, which often helps channel surfers flee the tedium of network programming. 86. If the barracuda charges, the herring flee away on every side, creating a clear tunnel through the shoal. 87. When stock prices are volatile, investors often flee the market in favor of less risky money-market mutual funds. 88. When the police hit the shore, they flee into the jungle. 89. Its people flee in terror on tractors, horse-drawn carts, cars or on foot. 90. Episcopal persecution, however, drove them to flee to the relative anonymity of London at the end of the 1620s.