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181. Flourishing in sun or light shade, this stachys makes good ground cover under roses. 182. If the conifers win out, then they shade the ground permanently and only mosses can remain. 183. They like living in the dappled shade of taller trees. 184. He must have confined himself to the shade like an invalid. 185. Her hair had been dyed a garish shade of red. 186. Those in the anti- barrier camp filed a lawsuit in March 1996 to reopen Shade Road. 187. The hall was carpeted in a depressing shade of green. 188. The ponies were tied up in the shade to the branches of a row of gum trees which divided the two pitches. 189. Converse crossed the square and found a street market in the shade of the church. 190. By and large, roses are for open situations and full sun, not dappled sunlight or shade. 191. Proud owners carrying their birds in beautiful brandy bottle-shaped cages, decorated with fine lace covers to shade the birds. 192. Few of us are blessed with ideal situations, often having to endure steep slopes, narrow alley-ways or deep shade. 193. The river birch trees spread their silvery shade over the slate walkways. 194. There are distinct forms, each with its own beautiful shade of brilliant emerald, sap[http://], and yellowish green. 195. Trees with hanging foliage enclose this little park, give it privacy and shade. 196. As a solo instrument following a melodic line, the violin can convey every imaginable shade of feeling. 197. Some plants actually prefer a lot of shade, which is fortunate for gardeners choosing plants for gloomy corners. 198. There were groves of trees and the fresh green shade dappled with the strong sun outside raised her spirits. 199. I chose the deep shade of the palm grove where the high foliage sprinkled drops of sunlight on the path. 200. Quintilian was one who credited Zeuxis with having established painterly principles of light and shade. 201. Some flowers intensify their colours towards the centre or introduce another shade altogether - forget-me-nots, hollyhocks, bindweed. 202. You will in fact find any shade will look acceptable so experiment with different combinations before embarking on an actual garment. 203. This area ranges from almost full sun, beyond the herb bed, to deep shade adjoining the house. 204. A Victorian hand painted pottery oil-lamp, without a shade, attracted some enthusiastic bidding at Bloomfields to sell at £510. 205. It is high noon and 108 degrees in the shade. 206. Farther along, a young black haired woman in a pink blouse nursed a baby in the shade. 207. On the mantelpiece there was a small lamp with a crimson shade and I switched it on. 208. If we do not plant knowledge when young, it will give us no shade when we are old.Lord Chesterfield 209. It is not always easy to avoid writing a shade smugly about the arrangements Mozart made of choral works by Handel. 210. She rested now and then under the shade of the cypresses and watched other tourists labouring in the heat.