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political liberty造句
1 Increased political liberty is not part of the package, however. 2 Civil and political liberty is limited. 3 Women gained political liberty after the Women's Liberation Movement. 4 The goal of political liberty is to achieve real socialist political civilization. 5 Political liberty has a certain social functions as the basic political philosophy and academic areas. 6 Accordingly, the development of democracy has become a political liberty and other basic ways. 7 They defy customs, laws and traditions in a move toward social, moral and political liberty. 8 Only if public order appeared to be on the verge of breaking down would the government contemplate restricting political liberty. 9 Lord Acton was correct to suggest that the practice of political liberty in the West arose largely from this medieval church-state conflict. 10 Its peace must be planted upon the tested foundations of political liberty. 11 The concept of physical person could only imply the natural freedom,[www.] but never political liberty. 12 With the rise of economic freedom has come a dramatic expansion of political liberty.