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61. Gail is a columnist for Yahoo Canada, Chatelaine, and Zoomer Magazine and blogs daily at her website, where she also offers terrific tools people can use to dig themselves out of the hole. 62. Guess which two - bit gossip columnist is talking out of his ass? 63. Months later, after Nixon had resigned in disgrace, humor columnist Art Buchwald jokingly give Graham a small bronze wringer . 64. Advice columnist Ann Landers has printed the first ten items (uncredited) several times, and the list has been used by radio commentator Paul Harvey. 65. Everybody is ignorant, only on different subjects---Will Rogers, American actor and columnist. 66. When a political columnist describes a cabinet minister in slavishly adoring terms, shouldn't we be told whether the two are pals? 67. Desmond : Isn't that Jed Watney, the gossip columnist over there , talking to the congressman. 68. For this columnist flying the free, prosperous arc from Tokyo to Delhi means an 18-hour schlepp via Hong Kong and Bangkok. 69. This brings its own risks, as our Buttonwood columnist points out. 70. In September, TIME's legal columnist, Adam Cohen, also made a good argument for why strict originalism is problematic. 71. The newspaper asked the columnist to tone down his offensive remarks in the article. 72. Brooks cites Guardian columnist Polly Toynbee who on Tuesday rounded on Eric Pickles's localism bill. 73. The political columnist in me wanted to know why: the power of Senator Robert Byrd? 74. "I would feel personally silly and irrelevant if I were doing my column right now, " said Lloyd Grove, a gossip columnist for the Post. "I think my time would be better spent going to a blood bank. 75. He brought the skills of a newspaper columnist and talk - show host the press secretary's office. 76. Washington Post columnist Jim Hoagland wrote this week that U.S. Vice-President Joe Biden was set to press MacKay's candidacy when he visits Alliance headquarters on Tuesday. 77. If I a columnist , one thing matters above all. 78. Diane Mapes, author of How to Date and a relationships columnist for the Seattle Post Intelligencer thinks that people are at their most seductive on the road. 79. Those attending last year's Lennart Meri security shindig (disclosure: your columnist is a regular and appreciative participant) had two options. 80. A tabloid lonely hearts columnist who answers questions from readers. 81. He brought the skills of a newspaper columnist and talk - show host to the press secretary's office. 82. Elizabeth Bumiller, a columnist for The New York Times, documented that the "bawler in chief" may be setting a new standard for men. 83. Miss Amiel has become a highly visible columnist and was voted the 1989 Woman of Distinction. 84. Flanked by a bodyguard and disguised in a hat, mask and glasses, he spoke through a modulator that led Washington Post columnist David Ignatius to liken his voice to Darth Vader's. 85. The gossip columnist got his information by visiting nightclubs every night. 86. The New York Times columnist celebrates Malcolm X, Andrei Sakharov and Menachem Begin as dissenters of Joban stature. 87. At one dinner party given by columnist Joseph Alsop in the 1960 s, Mrs. Graham finally, and at first meekly, rebelled. 88. "They hate the term, but that's how people refer to it, " says Mike Sula, a food columnist for the weekly Chicago Reader. 89. Second, the columnist must know whereof he speaks, and though I can't recall his words, I can reduce them to one thought: You don't know diddly . 90. The author and New York Times columnist argued this week that the most important global development of the past 18 months was that Red China became Green China.