快好知 kuaihz

151) Eczema exacerbation, Jishi fish, shrimp, seafood and other foods prone to allergies. 152) Returns to the palace, the small ring jubilant hugs these shrimp to give the jade meals room main pipe Li father-in-law to look. 153) Belacan is the fermentation of shrimp fry is made of, then cut into brick-shaped while sun-dried. 154) Aquatic products: Frozen or canned yellow croaker, hairtail, pomfret , peeled shrimp, inkfish, about 50 specifications. 155) Attract baIt'shrimp, lion fish to be active to feed on shrimp swimming. 156) Far from flavorless cubes, the menu selection includes such astronaut favorites as shrimp cocktail. 157) The shrimp come freeze - dried, and the spicy cocktail sauce as a powder. 158) Because the shrimp was very fresh and heated the MSG poor health. 159) It's a type of Chinese cracker, made from rice and shrimp. 160) Scientist Larry Griffin who has studied the rare shrimp, said, "Triops matures rapidly and produces hundreds of eggs in just a couple of weeks. 161) The various sea - food have prawn, shrimp scallop perch. 162) Final evaluation of cost - effectiveness analysis of the best shrimp culture model. 163) Other Cantonese dishes include duck feet stuffed with shrimp, roasted goose , and of course, dim sum. 164) The shrimp come freeze - dried, and the spicy cocktail sauce arrives as a powder. 165) I told you, if you were ever shrimp - boat captain. That I'd be your first mate. 166) Clean and soak the shrimp . Add in the egg white. Toss with oil . Put aside. 167) The extraction of lipophilic compounds in shrimp head by organic solvent was investigated in this paper. 168) Please enjoy the chef's recommended dishes: Avocado, chestnuts , shrimp, crab, tomato are being placed together, with cocktail sauce, a slightly spicy delicious taste will be appreciated. 169) The scientists were studying a freshwater shrimp commonly found in England. 170) Any trawl net including trawl, pair trawl or shrimp trawl net. 171) Specific will tell, can choose freshwater shrimp, crab, soft - shelled turtle . 172) Meanwhile, In a small bowl, combine the crab, shrimp, celery, mayonnaise. 173) They drifted on the lake, fishing and catching shrimp to get by. 174) Anumbers of Fairy shrimp swam around in the paddy field. 175) Feed just enough newly-hatched brine shrimp to keep the shrimp from starving, but don't overfeed, as too many brine shrimp saps the oxygen in the water. 176) Yes. And the other dish is shrimp and green pea. 177) The chef's specialty is shrimp with crispy fried rice crust. 178) Divide aioli among 4 bowls . Arrange eggs, vegetables, and shrimp on plates. 179) I'd like to have a shrimp cocktail and the tomato sausage soup first. 180) The Celestial Cave Restaurant the only under the sun that sells shrimp and scallop dumplings.