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61, Mark the point where the cannon ball strikes the ground and roll the Artillery dice to establish the bounce distance. 62, Abraham got the bounce of the ball and made the most of it with a cracking shot. 63, If you get a soft bounce with your 4 you're going to have a very difficult chip. 64, If you roll a misfire for the bounce the cannon ball has stuck in the ground and does not bounce. 6. 65, They have a little bounce and a little smile on their faces with some confidence. 66, Water patterns bounce off polished chrome, the fibreglass shell is honed to a waxy sheen of pearl. 67, Few of us bounce up and down in glee at the prospect of paying taxes. 68, The ball can not then escape and bounce all around the room. 69, I bounce a few more cheery sentences off her, but she has withdrawn into her shell. 70, The various lessons involve showing large and colourful letters on the screen, sometimes the float and bounce around. 71, During this excruciating period of flux, politicians and economists tried to forecast when the economy would bounce back. 72, Lee hacked on and collected a favourable bounce to dot down at the posts. 72, Wish you can benefit fromand make progress everyday! 73, It lets the youngsters use special electronic gadgets which bounce light around. 74, Perot deservedly got no popularity bounce from his nomination, as both Dole and Clinton did after their conventions. 75, So he played gently enough not to make the hammers of Stein's pianos bounce up and hit the strings again. 76, But stand-in skipper McAllister is confident that Leeds will bounce back in the style that made them champions last May. 77, Socialism and fun were here colliding, whereas conservatism and fun seem to bounce along happily in the YCs. 78, Experienced workers lead the kids through sand, water play, and bounce along! 79, Yes, Ezra is a tennis ball, does bounce on, off, along, over everything. 80, He says it loudly enough to bounce off Maryellen and reach Allen. 81, It flicked each in turn, making the plump moons bounce as she flinched from each sharp little sting. 82, Daks are known to bounce back, but this one looks beyond recall. 83, I tightened my stomach, like the bullets might bounce off. 84, The radar waves bounce back off the cars that approach, and are registered by the receiving apparatus. 85, He demonstrates-the bills bounce off your closed fist and fall to the floor. 86, Add in the slower pitches ad lower bounce and Hick was able to take full advantage. 87, We are confident the business will bounce back from the recession. 88, Liverpool's footballers hope to bounce back after their defeat in Europe last week. 89, This type of groove should be played very tight, smack on the beat at all times, but with a little bounce. 90, Write a check on your knowledge and watch it bounce!