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61, I am a galley - slave, a convict. 62, The escaped convict was seized outside the city. 63, The police have tracked down the escaped convict. 64, A couple of hundred years ago, England sent its prisoners to Australia to live out their prison sentences. Many people say Strine rhyming slang is evidence of Australia's convict past! 65, "To Convict and Punish illegitimately"is one of the composing articles of the criminal codes of the Qing Imperial Code, which mainly was used to restrict officials in trials. 66, He obstinately denied everything, the theft and his character of convict. 67, An excessive emotion was required to wring from him, once or twice a year, that lugubrious laugh of the convict, which is like the echo of the laugh of a demon. 68, For a convict sentenced to criminal detention, the detention house shall execute the sentence. 69, Curtis earned an Academy Award nomination for his performance in 1958's "The Defiant Ones, " playing an escaped racist convict chained to a black prisoner, portrayed by Sidney Poitier. 70, The fingerprints found on the gun were used to convict her. 71, Mr Killen was acquitted because one juror said she could not convict a preacher. 72, Under Iran's Islamic law, adultery is still punishable by stoning, which involves the hurling of stones in public at a partially buried convict. 73, 'You have a convict there who's returned from Australia, 'shouted the steerer. 'That's the man, in the cloak. His name is Abel Magwitch. I'm a Customs officer and I arrest him! ' 74, They amass enough evidence to convict him on six charges. 75, The ex - convict found a base employment for himself. 75,try its best to collect and create good sentences. 76, Yes, sir, they turned loose every convict who was willing to fight. 77, Playing a psychotic once again in Cape Fear in 1991, De Niro was frightfully convincing as the vengeful convict. 78, Every bean has its black. , the ancients have in a lifetime to do evil, to face death before germination can convict, a good idea, so get a reward. 79, The verbal evidence's demonstration is personal statement, and its proof method uses to convict the facts of cases. 80, Amid in a piece of photograph, the muscle that this convict that claims faction head is gotten is bearing fruit in play the peacock. 81, A cross section of the community is necessary to ensure that there will be a counterbalancing of biases so as to minimize those who might convict on inadequate evidence. 82, However, evidence that Petric planned the murder for weeks led Burge to convict him in the non-jury-based proceedings. 83, Cool Hand Luke was a powerhouse prison saga, casting Newman as the rambunctious convict turned Christ-like martyr. 84, The policemen were on the alert for an excaped convict. 85, Take charge of chess or so ascertain out, until the father and mother visiting a convict comes back to just make pure is what happened. 86, Police have organized a manhunt to capture the escaped convict. 87, The convict was pardoned after serving five years of his sentence. 88, The usher , accompanied by a gendarme ready to lend him armed assistance , introduced the convict Brevet. 89, So, while Melbourne was not a convict settlement, it wasn't squeaky - clean either. 90, PC Debs Rudkin, of Kent police, praised the victims for coming forward, saying it would not have been possible to convict Jell without their evidence.