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cut back造句
(121) The halfback started to his left, cut back to his right, and ran for a touchdown. (122) No matter what a person's income bracket is, most can usually find a way to cut back on frivolous spending, just like a few frugal billionaires. (123) Lost contrast was then cut back in using my airbrush tool. (124) Four times as many men would also stop taking their wife on nights out in order to save cash as those who would cut back on socialising with their mistress. (125) Investors, however, focused on the overall figure for durable goods orders and worries that Chinese banks could cut back on lending, sending stocks on Wall Street sliding. (126) I don't agree that we should cut back our advertising budget. (127) The skyrocketing price of gasoline has forced many Americans to cut back their long-distance trips. (128) As school recess and physical education classes are being cut back or eliminated, families need to make exercise an after-school priority. (129) To cut back the use of carbons and make fashion truly sustainable, shoppers will have "to own less, to have less stuff, " Dr. (130) Bring down the tariffs and cut back the non-tariff barriers that all too often are covert protectionism. (131) Cut back on red meat, salt, white flour, sugar, alcohol and coffee. (132) The couple you babysit for might cut back on evenings out, but they could be interested in hiring you for after-school care. (133) Defence spending was frozen in the 1970 s and 1980 s , and then cut back in the 1990 s. (134) The survey, by market consultants GfK Roper, said 84 percent of consumers worldwide have cut back on something due to the recession, with Americans feeling they are the worst hit. (135) Subsidies in rich countries, which invariably go to the better-off farmers, disrupt global markets and cut back the exporting prospects of poor farmers in poor countries. (136) His observations chime with a trend in British classrooms to cut back on traditional teaching and to personalise learning. (137) THE SOLUTION: You need to cut back on all forms of sugar, as well as caffeine, and switch to a low GI wholefood diet. (138) The government is going to cut back on economic aid to client states. (139) Some, such as Highbridge, a large American hedge fund that is owned by JPMorgan, and KKR are scaling up their lending operations as banks cut back. (140) God: These Suburbanites must be relieved in the summer when we cut back on the rain and turn up the heat. (141) Cut back on mileage or rest day if you're feeling extra tired or sore. (142) With federal funds soon to flow, some states may now cut back. (143) But 88 percent of those who got diacetylmorphine shots did. And those who got diacetylmorphine cut back on illicit drugs by 67 percent, compared to 48 percent who got methadone. (144) You should cut back on expenditure to spin out the money till next pay day. (145) If trading losses are piling up, it's time to cut back, even though there is the temptation to make more trades to recover the recently lost trading assets.