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as yet造句
181, As yet, however, there is little evidence that cytokine secreting tumour infiltrating lymphocytes perform any more effectively than the parent cells. 182, Financial institutions provide finance and specialist services to companies which are as yet unproven but have potential. 183, In the space next to William on the park bench there is a Sunday newspaper, as yet unfolded. 184, Lord Westbourne was now interred in the new cemetery by the side of Lord Brougham, but his murderer was as yet undiscovered. 185, Jacobitism as a movement was as yet too incoherent and badly organised, and lacked a firm social base. 186, As yet, though, the company has not sold any ads, he said. 187, The as yet unnamed car will have a four litre V10 engine and will cost £95,000. 188, There wasn't as yet that co-operation and warmth between them, although no doubt being on the road would bring that. 189, He said no Republican staffers had reviewed them as yet. 190, A completely new, and as yet untitled, work has been created specifically for the spacious Sackler Octagon. 191, His doom is as yet unsealed. 192, But, as yet, he was not absolutely sure. 193, Phileas Fogg was not as yet behindhand. 194, As yet his head was empty of all thoughts. 195, There have been many technical problems unresolved as yet. 196, Experiments are not totally unequivocal as yet. 197, A successful test is one that uncovers an as yet undiscovered error. 198, A spiritual understanding of the world, as represented by Anthroposophy , sees in this process the birth of the physical body, but not as yet of the etheric or life-body. 199, A strong breeze soon fanned the spark into a flame, and the eaglets , as yet unfledged and helpless, were roasted in their nest and dropped down dead at the bottom of the tree. 200, He had not as yet had time or opportunity to pierce through all the barriers with which his profession is hedged in, and so become completely immersed in it. 201, How HDL can protect the coronary circulation is not as yet firmly established. 202, Nevertheless, cameras continue to be allowed in many U.S. state trial courts and in the highest appeals courts in a variety of countries—though not, as yet, the Supreme Court of the United States. 203, Please confirm that a presentation of documents which is not impacted by an as yet unaccepted amendment does not constitute acceptance of the amendment by the beneficiary. 204, Also on hand was Frank Spotniz, series writer, producer, and co-writer of the new, as yet untitled (or un-subtitled) sequel. 205, Now an independent prognostic molecular marker has not been identified as yet. 206, There are as yet no tracks through the drifts, no muddied slush in the roads. 207, Alfred North Whitehead once wrote that youth is "life as yet untouched by tragedy." 208, We know very little as yet about the mental effects of severe cirrhosis of the liver. 209, How this might pertain to choices that people might make is, as yet, unclear. 210, In Chechnya, it was seen as yet another sign of Moscow's contempt.