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31. If all this research leaves you feeling overwhelmed, you can turn to a campus career counselor for help sorting things out. 32. During the conference it is very useful for the teacher or counselor to convey a sense of positive expectations. 33. Originally, I went to the counselor because I needed an objective opinion about the whole situation. 34. Those making the allegations include a priest, guidance counselor, professor, engineer and lawyer. 35. In either case, the counselor will have in hand one or more classroom assignments to be completed by the student. 36. If you wish success in life, make perseverance your bosom friend, experience your wise counselor, caution your elder brother and hope your guardian genius.Joseph Addison 37. Nathaniel Martin was a teacher and guidance counselor in Claiborne County for 11 years. 38. Alternatively, the counselor may request that the teacher provide specific assignments for the child to bring to the counseling session. 39. Y., career counselor Barbara Frankel Eckstein favors the internal-external approach to choosing a career. 40. In contrast, at DuSable, a high school in Chicago, each guidance counselor advises 420 students. 41. The counselor bilked his clients out of$2 million. 42. A counselor tries not to be faultfinding. 43. Be ruled by time, the wisest counselor of all. 44. The counselor gave us some disinterested advice. 45. Share this report with your merit badge counselor. 46. Stock broker -- investment counselor. 47. Our dean is an understanding counselor, not a martinet. 48. She is a marriage guidance counselor. 49. D. The man is a counselor for spousal abuse. 50. They went to see a marriage guidance counselor. 51. And what sort of case was that?" asked the investment counselor. 52. Consultand --- In genetic counseling, anyone who consults a genetic counselor for genetic information. 53. Everyone would be assigned a familial role: from Old Man Jerry Buss, the wise and sometimes crotchety grandfather, to consigliere Phil Jackson, the trusted family counselor. 54. So why do you make as much as a guidance counselor? 55. A typical case was the suburban housewife described by a marriage counselor. 56. Puja Thomson is a counselor, healing facilitator, educator and minister of the Healing Light Center Church, founded by the Reverend Rosalyn Bruyere. 57. You may be assigned a wait - list counselor who will keep tabs on your progress. 58. Ultimately, a counselor should focus on helping university students develop "independent" decision-making techniques so that they can make their own decisions without counselors. 59. The counselor pauses, sure that the girl is on some kind of fad diet, and admonishes her for not eating. 60. Did I tell you he has never been anyone's counselor before?