快好知 kuaihz

61. Your life is full of opportunities and possibilities. It is yours to create, to enjoy or to suffer. You may lead a successful or failing life – depending on how much you are committed to and prepared for your life.Dr T.P.Chia 62. The rate may fall below that, depending on the general trend of interest rates. 63. Hamilton said that, depending on how the students fared emotionally Tuesday morning, he might cancel classes in the afternoon. 64. The Powermiser should recover its cost in one quarter, depending on your hot water consumption. 65. Future contracts will cost more or less, depending on trends in tuition costs, Cantor said. 66. Depending on the details of the transaction, this adds to the interest rate being paid by the borrower. 67. As producers, their views will be more ambivalent, depending on whether they work in sunset or sunrise industries. 68. The appropriate steps will vary depending upon the clinical circumstances. 69. At local level, control exerted by NGOs varies widely, depending on their philosophy, their economic clout, and individual personalities. 70. Depending on use, these will last for between 60 and 90 minutes of continuous operation.http:///depending.html 71. Even the bank's cash machine may get a face, or many, depending on the customer. 72. Cost: $ 1, 795 and $ 1, 995 depending on cabin selection. 73. An annual payment is made, the amount depending upon the animal concerned. 74. Expert Systems Problem Solving/Minimisation Within a specific environment problems may be solved or they may only minimised depending upon external constraints imposed. 75. The precise authority and structure of an audit committee will vary depending on the company's circumstances. 76. On top of that, a super-levy of up to 3% - depending on the actual size of the harvest - would have to be imposed. 77. Furthermore, the same acoustic information can be perceived differently depending on its higher-level context. 78. It could serve as a heat conductor or insulator, depending on how it was used. 79. Solid begins to form at point A. Depending on the composition of the mixture, the solid will be either benzene or naphthalene. 80. Royalties vary depending on the perceived value of the artist to the record company. 81. Depending on your point of view, this can constitute either an opportunity for excellence or a disaster in the making. 82. Most writers have a range of shapes for a given letter depending upon the particular letter context in which it occurs. 83. Depending upon the social circles in which the young adult moves there will be more or less pressure towards getting married. 84. Depending on the calendar, it falls on different dates and can even fall on the same day as Easter. 85. The importance of such an outcome is very different depending on where in the causal chain the third variable comes. 86. It is a medium to low cost technology requiring modest training depending on its ultimate application. 87. And depending on the organization presenting the news, the meal may contain plenty of empty calories. 88. Metal pendulum rods expanded with heat, contracted when cooled and beat out seconds at different tempos, depending on the temperature. 89. Depending on the circumstances, I was willing to go along. 90. Rates are $ 95 to $ 695 per couple daily, depending on season, including afternoon tea.