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hand in hand造句
31. The United States will lead the way, and we expect our allies to walk with us hand in hand. 32. But the method proposed goes hand in hand with the method of assessing individuals by profiling. 33. When hard work and intelligence work hand in hand, many things are possible.Dr T.P.Chia 34. Edinburgh's growth as an administrative centre went hand in hand with this. 35. They reached the summit together hand in hand, quite literally. 36. It goes hand in hand with good management and is essential for any job! 37. Wealth and power go hand in hand, at home too, as well as in the big wide world. 38. Below him, hand in hand, staring up with lively interest, were Jenny and Antony. 39. Stars and superstition just seem to go hand in hand. 40. Environmental priorities must be built into all economic decision-making, ensuring that economic success goes hand in hand with environmental responsibility. 41. Here, the strengthening of family values and citizenship go hand in hand. 42. I watched as he found Doriot and hand in hand they moved more deeply into the crowd. 43. We had walked hand in hand in the dark all the way to the water mill. 44. They go hand in hand because the momentum of population growth is so great. 45. Hand in hand with this measure goes an equally bold re-focusing of Labour's strategy concerning marginal constituencies. 46. The rationality of faith goes hand in hand with the mystery of faith. 47. Passion and satisfaction go hand in hand, and without them,[http:///hand in hand.html] any happiness is only temporary.Nicholas Sparks 48. It is my strong belief that reward and recognition go hand in hand. 49. A young couple were walking hand in hand along the beach. 50. Budget palaver and acute short-termism seem to go hand in hand. 51. In such ways, fashion and triviality can go hand in hand. 52. Three pairs of young lovers walked by, hand in hand, whispering dreams of emigration. 53. If you plan to keep livestock, the security of fences and gates must go hand in hand with fertility. 54. Their wives, hand in hand, stepping carefully in expensive shoes over the summer's jetsam, brought up the rear. 55. Naturally, one would assume that these two aspects of secondary prevention go hand in hand. 56. A flair for games and a talent for government went hand in hand. 57. Deliberate assistance to economic growth went hand in hand with administrative reform aimed at channelling its profits firmly into princely treasuries. 58. Patience and wisdom walk hand in hand, like two one-armed lovers.Jarod Kintz 59. Most of us were born in captivity where domestication and maturation work hand in hand. 60. Nor do loyalty to customers and to employees necessarily go hand in hand.