快好知 kuaihz

save for造句
1, Live within your means and save for a rainy day. 2, The parking lot was virtually empty save for a few cars clustered to one side. 3, We sat in complete silence, save for the ticking of the clock. 4, Whatever was left over, we would save for travel. 5, Save for the nuts and honey which Tom had given her she had eaten nothing since leaving the cabin of Simon the Trapper. 6, How much do I need to save for a comfortable retirement? 7, The barn was stark and without adornment, save for a single crucifix in the tiny chapel. 8, However, save for that brief and embarrassing episode, the day had continued to be one of great enjoyment. 9, BThe closet is empty, save for a syringe and spoon stored on a tiny ledge. 10, The classroom was almost empty, save for a cluster of little girls who sat at one table rolling and pummeling clay. 11, They have little to look forward to, save for fat legs, flopping in the silt of some riverine beach. 12, Save for a few naval battles, the war had never reached the Old World. 13, In Long Kesh Prison, fellow prisoners used to save for him part of their daily allowance of milk. 14, In Derbyshire in 1776 eight hours was usual, save for exceptionally difficult ground when six were worked. 15, But the kitchen was empty save for Boris, and there were no signs of any sustenance at all. 16, But no one was there save for a woman with an umbrella, a cyclist going wearily along by the kerb. 17, Save for the metal detector and federal guards in the lobby, the place could easily pass for a third-rate collection agency. 18, Save for the hour, his bedtime had hardly changed over the years. 19, Save for the exceptional case of Mental Health Review Tribunals, legal aid does not cover representation before tribunals of first instance. 20, So now, save for a few interesting mounds in the field, there is no visible evidence of its existence. 21, Save for some washing out in direct sun, we have no complaints about the gauge cluster, either. 22, On the map it was pretty well blank space, save for the thin blue lines of creeks or marsh drains crisscrossing it. 23, Daybreak A little mist hangs above the pond, which is still save for a single mallard paddling slowly back and forth. 24, The fingerboard is high-quality ebony, with no position markers save for some little pearl side-dots. 25, Ahead of them, as was fitting, were the menfolk, more soberly-clad save for the bright kerchiefs round their necks. 26, Again it makes sense to take independent advice on how to save for old age when you're living abroad. 27, So if you want to make your money grow look for a good interest rate and save for as long as possible. 28, We cut off the kernels from the cobs, blanched them, and then put them away to save for corn chowder. 29, David Prosser is deputy editor of Money Observer Expatriates, just like everyone else, need to save for old age. 30, It widened but nothing could be seen in the gap, save for the path ahead, winding on down to the valley.