快好知 kuaihz

result from造句
1. Will we at last forget ourselves result from the continuous affectation. 2. We desperately need a result from this match. 3. Many hair problems result from what you eat. 4. Violence may result from a sense of impotence. 5. Our personalities result from the complex interplay between our genes and our environment. 6. They were hoping for a positive result from the experiment. 7. We badly need to get a result from this match. 8. Most of the killings result from gang rivalry. 9. Ulcers which result from these bites eventually heal leaving small circular scars. 10. Infection can result from ingestion of as few as 10 cysts. 11. The stigma may not result from associating her language with ignorance, but the unkindness is just as real. 12. Mix in the hair-trigger rage that can result from steroid use and, well, stand back, ladies and gentlemen. 13. Cardiac arrhythmias rarely result from levodopa administration to patients who have a predisposition related to underlying cardiac disease. 14. The fractional-order beams result from interference between scattered waves involving an adatom at least once. 15. The changes that take place vary and result from three different kinds of processes. 16. If significant delay may result from this process, a different decision making technique should be used. 17. Although the data largely result from censuses and surveys, an increasing volume of data arises from administrative processes. 18. But the chimeric lambs that would result from the pregnancy are mosaics: only some of the cells contain the transgene. 19. This could result from a structural change in a single solid material, though no suitable materials are known. 20. Broadly, these tensions result from two diametrically opposed approaches to social research - positivism and naturalism. 21. These hills result from hydrothermal alteration of the granites which are characteristic of the area. 22. Only greater humiliation could result from an attempt to wrench the truth from her. 23. The authors recognise the many methodological problems in studying disabilities that may result from hearing impairment. 24. Police should never leave or transport a sprayed suspect in a prone position because death may result from positional asphyxiation. 25. It is estimated that about a third of these accidents result from damaged pavements. 27. Second, the discrimination which emanates from ageism can appear to result from the natural process of biological ageing rather than social creation. 28. One wonders how many of one's own mental defects result from lack of the appropriate experience at the proper time! 29. It costs from £3800 from Teagle Machinery Evidence shows more deaths may result from the improper use of ATVs. 30. Lizards remain sacred to these tribesmen, and death is said to result from accidentally killing one.