快好知 kuaihz

look up造句
1. Look up the trains to Beijing in the timetable. 2. They all look up to their teacher. 3. Occasionally Alice would look up from her books. 4. I look up to him. 5. Children should look up to their parents. 6. I need a boss I can look up to. 7. When he came in, he didn't look up, so she surmised that he was in a bad mood. 8. I hope things will start to look up in the new year. 9. Look up their number in the telephone directory. 10. Look up 'The Waste Land' in the index. 11. Look up the bus times in the local timetable. 12. She didn't look up or react in any way. 13. At last things were beginning to look up. 14. I'll just look up the train times. 15. Please look up a fast train to Leeds. 16. He did not stir, not look up. 17. We look up to him as a hero. 18. Look up the time of the next train in the timetable. 19. Many people have to look up the meaning of this word in the dictionary. 20. Can you look up the time of the next train? 21. How do you pronounce p-h-l-e-g-m? Look up 'phlegm' in the dictionary if you don't know. 22. She twisted slightly in her chair to look up at him. 23. Why don't you look up her name in the index? 24. A shout made them look up. 25. The President didn't bother to look up. 26. I look up to Michael Johnson and Butch Reynolds. 27. I didn't look up at the sky. 28. When you feel hurt and your tears are gonna to drop. Please look up and have a look at the sky once belongs to us. If the sky is still vast,clouds are still clear, you shall not cry because my leave doesn't take away the world that belongs to you. 29. I am a very lonely at the time the children will look up to the sky, watching the sun, watching the big moon, hope to see the eyes of the neck pain, choking with tears. This is true, children do not lie. 30. You're a popular girl, Grace, and a lot of the younger ones look up to you.