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61. Service, under such appalling conditions, is testimony indeed to his courage. 62. They spoke of witnesses being coerced into changing their testimony to peg Simpson as the culprit. 63. Punta Banda's ghostly streets, vacant houses and shuttered hotel bear testimony to dreams gone sour. 64. A handsome pin tucked away in the jewelry box on my dresser is testimony to this accomplishment. 65. Only days before the election, a reporter obtained a copy of secret testimony Gilbert had given to a Senate crime committee. 66. More testimony on the state of affairs described by Conner comes from company commander Henry Bergson. 67. His book is the testimony of a disillusioned man who turns with some bitterness on his former colleagues. 68. Powell was equally reassuring and calming in his Senate confirmation testimony. 69. Its very imperfection is powerful testimony of its ancient history, a history of step-by-step change rather than of deliberate design. 70. These writings, buttressed by profoundly moral concerns, are testimony to the complexity of the relationships between health and working. 71. They become the testimony of a new adventure in art as well as in life. 72. Some implications of these results for eyewitness testimony and for the psychology of driving are considered. 73. This is consistent with recent studies on attention focusing in eyewitness testimony. 74. In itself this elusiveness is testimony to just how enormously difficult it is to find practical solutions to Britain's economic problems. 75. The testimony of the two witnesses seemed to put Richardson in the clear. 76. In a sense, the very institution of literary criticism is concrete testimony of this assumption. 77. Vicary is expected to step off the stand today, bringing an end to testimony in the four-month trial. 78. In the civil case, the plaintiffs sought to shield him from such harsh treatment by limiting the scope of his testimony. 79. Since the trial began April 16, jurors have heard an average of less than three days of testimony per week. 80. Their very insistence of trying to make sense is eloquent testimony to assumptions that are powerful though silent. 81. The rivers give some of the most dramatic testimony to the lack of rain and snow. 82. In each chapter, I have relied heavily on the testimony of the men and women who were there. 83. Well, I am testimony to what it is to be responsible yet my opportunities are rapidly diminishing.... 84. Mr. Griffiths I could not pay a more eloquent testimony to the doctor than my hon. Friend has just paid. 85. Even more important is the testimony of the fifteenth-century Warwick chantry priest John Rous, who died in 1491. 86. Cerda interviewed those named in his testimony, including Wally Fuentes Morrison, and then threw down the gauntlet to Pinochet. 87. Cultivate an attitude of happiness. Cultivate a spirit of optimism. Walk with faith, rejoicing in the beauties of nature, in the goodness of those you love, in the testimony which you carry in your heart concerning things divine.Gordon B. Hinckley 88. A magnifying glass also figured heavily in testimony about the 31 photos showing Simpson wearing Bruno Magli shoes. 89. Besne Irigollen wasn't available for comment about his testimony, which was reported in a Tijuana newspaper. 90. The mountaintop offers eloquent testimony on all of this, for nothing there grows for ever.