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151. There's a portrait of him in Llanberis vicarage in which he looks as irrepressible and intelligent as this action implies. 152. He was in Radio Times as a strip cartoon for eight years and his portrait has hung in the Royal Academy. 153. The locket contained a miniature portrait of her late husband. 154. By moving the portrait to the left, engravers made more room for a watermark. 155. Himalayan Climber provides a comprehensive photographic portrait of his remarkable climbing career. 156. Now as then, Gielgud is acute, highly intelligent and concerned to help draw a full portrait. 157. As this portrait indicates, Margaret Massingberd was largely responsible for creating much of the garden areas as they still exist today. 158. Portrait an upright image or page where the height is greater than the width. 159. A vivid portrait of a successful charlatan exploiting the second-century Christians is given by Lucian in his Peregrinus. 160. I want you to have the portrait too, as you set so much store by it. 161. Bouvet was happy to oblige, and the Portrait historique was reprinted in the 1699 edition. 162. Perhaps the gallery should add the exception Louisa's vital self portrait. 163. On the main wall was a rather pedestrian portrait of his wife. 164. Consider Shakespeare's only fully-realised portrait of a young delinquent: Prince Hal. 165. To check, look at the portrait by Crepsi in the northern sacristy. 166. It was on their return to London that both friends planned the portrait of Wallis. 167. The portrait of Melusina hung above the fireplace and this year's cat calendar was up on the left-hand wall. 168. Of aristocratic family, Gallienus was highly educated, and his portrait exudes cultured refinement. 169. A hundred years on, his portrait has been removed from the National Portrait Gallery and his name had slipped into obscurity. 170. When this ended, he set himself up first as a portrait painter. 171. While predictability in behaviour of this kind may enhance the anticlerical view of the monk, it also renders his portrait mundane. 172. Allegorical portrait by Levitsky of the empress as Lawgiver in the temple of Justice. 173. Of Hearst the man, Nasaw's careful portrait suggests greater vulnerability and sensitivity than most others have detected. 174. His portrait and chair have been garlanded with marigolds and strewn with crimson rose petals. 175. Comparison of the Orbiter and Lauder data permits a detailed portrait of the origin and evolution of a giant dust storm. 176. Disappointingly, the exhibition omits Rauschenberg's portrait and still-life photography, which is richly illustrated in the catalogue. 177. A weak heart, another Vandervort inheritance, like the table and the portrait. 178. But along the way Alice Thomas Ellis creates an ironic and vivid portrait of London, brilliantly catching its degradation and waste. 179. The portrait photographer had me clasp my hands like an opera singer and look straight into the camera. 180. Though each portrait was essentially a straight forward head-shot, we are given far more to muse over than a strange face.